Article #339
by Bill Nugent
I was walking across a college campus on a blustery late December day. I glanced at the buildings and remembered my own days as a college student when suddenly I saw a strange man. He was dressed in nineteenth century garb, like he just stepped out of 1850s London. He looked like Charles Darwin with flowing beard and bald head, but he spoke like Ebenezer Scrooge, the protagonist of Dickens’ famous book “A Christmas Carol.”
This strange man got up and quickly stepped toward me and said: “You’re Bill Nugent, aren’t you? You’re that guy who writes against evolution! You and your friends at Answers in Genesis and the Institute for Creation Research are hostile to evolution! You support those scientists in the Intelligent Design Movement who attack evolution!
“I’ve got a few things to say to you Mr. Nugent! Atheistic evolution has the soul of London and all England, all of Europe and all of the Americas, north and south. Evolution drives the thoughts of the educated elites of Africa, Asia, the Middle East and everywhere from the vast steppes of Russia to the Outback of Australia down under! People reject your God; this God who dwells in the spirit world; this God who lives in another dimension not visible to us whom you claim to have created all things and who gives us morals to live by.
“Your young people reject God and His promise of forgiveness of sins and a joyful afterlife in heaven. They live for this life and it’s pleasures of drugs, illicit sex and rock ‘n roll. Your great universities are citadels of atheism. Harvard and Yale and so many others were founded as Christian institutions to train ministers of the Gospel yet now preach the doctrines of philosophical naturalism! Creation? Creation Science? Ba humbug!! We are descended from apes and we have no souls! Get over it Mr. Nugent and get a life, a fun life. Eat drink and be merry for tomorrow you die like a dog!!
I Reared back with disgust at the blasphemous hostility expressed by this weird man. I answered this wicked man’s boast with the following words:“Sir, evolution is a theory flawed from its early days and it’s now in full crisis. The Intelligent Design Movement is a vast army of academics who openly dissent from Darwinism and neo-Darwinism. These are not just Creation Science people but are people of many faiths or no faith. They looked at the clear scientific evidence that evolution can’t explain. They see the damning evidence against evolution in microbiology, genetics, the fossil record and geology.
“I will show you that evolution is nothing more than an empty secular origins myth that is crumbling under the onslaught of sound science. Your secular world of unbelief in God and rejection of God’s traditional moral values is collapsing with it! The pandemic of drug overdose deaths, the rapid rise in the suicide rate, the rapid spread of venereal disease from illicit sex, the depression, the anxiety, the hopelessness and purposelessness that young people feel is the fruit of the the secular claim that there is no life after death and no person has a future after his or her brief years on earth! This agonizing despair has caused people to question the atheistic evolution claim that people are just soulless animals. People are turning back to God!
“Let me show you three booklets that explain the scientific errors of evolution in the past, present and future. First, here is the booklet that shows the errors of evolution past.”
The Scroogelike man trembled as I handed him the booklet titled “The Errors of Evolution Past.” The booklet reads in part: “Charles Darwin was not the first to discuss evolution. Darwin’s own grandfather, Erasmus Darwin wrote on evolution. Others also wrote scholarly articles and books on natural selection and fossils. These early writers were raised on or near farms and saw animal breeding firsthand. They likely saw a whole herd of cattle being bred into a different breed or sub-breed. They simply extrapolated that thinking to the larger context of nature and thought that animals could be changed into completely different animals over time.
“These early evolutionists and Charles Darwin didn’t understand genetics so they had no understanding of the limits of agricultural animal breeding. They didn’t know that the DNA blueprint of life causes living things to reproduce“after their kind” (Genesis 1:25) and not turn into any other kind of animal. After all, these farm boys never saw a pig breeder breed pigs to such an extent that they turned into cattle!
“In 1859 Darwin wrote his famous book, “Origin of Species.” In 1871 he wrote a controversial book titled: “The Descent of Man” and in this book he openly claimed that people evolved from apes. This book was openly racist and claimed that nonwhite people were not as evolved as Caucasians. This helped set the stage for the rise of nationalism and eventually Hitler’s Nazi “master race” claims. Darwinism gave momentum to racism and genocide.
“At this early stage the Darwinists engaged in speculation and storytelling based on comparative anatomy and fossils. They compared fossils and assumed one kind of animal evolved over time into a completely different kind of animal. This is never observed in nature. They searched for some kind of mechanism for evolutionary change. They thought they found it around 1900 with the re-discovery of Mendelian genetics and heredity.
“These early genetic principles were merged with Darwinism to give us the “neo-Darwinian synthesis.” This gave momentum to evolution and evolution was introduced to high school curricula across America during the “Progressive era” of American politics, roughly 1885 to 1920. The introduction of evolution into the schools began the indoctrination and conversion process of turning millions of people into believers of philosophical naturalism and into deniers of God.They also denied God’s morals and this ultimately resulted in the drug overdose deaths and suicides.”
The scroogelike man reared back, yet managed a sly grin, as I handed him the booklet titled “The Errors of Evolution Present.” This booklet reads in part: “Evolution has been coming under increasing attack in recent decades because of the invention of the electron microscope in 1931 and the discovery of DNA by Crick and Watson in the early 1950s. These two discoveries and many others, including the recent mapping of human and animal DNA, have led to the inescapable conclusion that the simplest building blocks of life, namely cells, are utterly complex. Cells are more complex than the most sophisticated machines built by man.
“This has led to a whole movement of scientists from many fields questioning the ability of Darwinian gradualism to account for the origin and development of living things. It’s called the Intelligent Design Movement.
“A “simple” cell, such as a bacteria, is built of hundreds of different proteins. Each protein is formed of hundreds of amino acids assembled in precise sequence. Then there’s the DNA of the bacteria consisting of a chain of over half a million nucleotide base pairs arranged in precise sequence. This is mind-boggling complexity. Many microbiologists see the utter impossibility of random collisions of atoms in the primordial soup to form the first living cell by chance.
“There are also several other storms of controversy presently undermining evolution. The mapping of the human genome and other advances in genetics has given us more understanding of genetic mutations which are claimed to be the mechanism of evolutionary change. Mutations are destructive errors that break down DNA over time and don’t add useful information to DNA that would add new organs to living things to cause uphill evolutionary change.
“Break down of DNA is called genetic entropy. There are over 5,000 human diseases resulting from bad genetic mutations (also called birth defects). There are only a dozen or so advantageous human conditions alleged to be resulting from beneficial mutations. Bad mutations outnumber good mutations by hundreds to one. The evolution theory clearly falls apart here. (See book “Genetic Entropy” by Dr. J.C. Sanford, FMS Publications, New York, 2008).
“Then there’s the new evidence from the fossil record showing that modern birds and mammals lived side by side with dinosaurs. Fossils of owls, ducks, opossums and other modern looking animals have been unearthed in the same strata and proximity as dinosaur fossils. This clearly refutes the evolution fossil record timeline and weighs heavily against the evolution theory. (See book:Evolution: The Grand Experiment: Vol. 2 – Living Fossils, Dr. Carl Werner, 2009).
“More than 1,000 scientists and academics have openly dissented from evolution by publicly affixing their names and credentials to a statement of refutation of Darwinism on the website”
Finally I handed the scroogelike man the devastating booklet titled “The Errors of Evolution Future.” He exclaimed in horror: “This booklet about the future of evolution is the one I fear most of all!” This booklet reads in part: “The future of evolution is one of doom. Darwinism and neo-Darwinism are destined for the dustbin of history. Evolution’s legacy is one of scientific error that gave momentum to racism and caused the rise of philosophical Naturalism to be the guiding narrative of global civilization. Evolution’s future is a time when more and more people, eventually the entire scientific community, sees through the charade of Darwinism.
“There is mounting evidence that points to a young age of planet earth. Earth’s magnetic field is decaying at a consistent, measurable, exponential rate. To extrapolate back in time, even to just 20,000 years ago, the magnetic field would have had to have been so strong back then that earth would have resembled a magnetic star and life would not have been possible. This means the earth’s age has to be in the biblical timeframe of thousands, not millions of years. That’s nowhere near enough time for evolution to form life! (See article: Magnetic Field Data Confirm Creation Model by Brian Thomas Ph.D. at the Institute for Creation Research website.)
“Other evidence for young earth includes the low level of salt in the oceans. Evolutionists claim the oceans are over three billion years old. Scientists now know the rate at which the oceans gain salt and other minerals. The net gain of salt and minerals would be such that the oceans long ago would have been super-saturated with salt like the Dead Sea in Israel, if the oceans were as old as claimed by evolutionists. (See Answers Magazine, Oct. 1, 2012, “10 Best Evidences for Young Earth” by Dr. Andrew A, Snelling)
“Then there’s the work of Dr. Mary Schweitzer who has carefully documented the presence of soft tissue remains in dinosaur bones. Remnants of blood and cartilage, including fragile proteins in dinosaur bones has been discovered, weighed, analyzed and documented. This gives evidence consistent with a young age of earth. There is no way that such fragile biochemicals could remain intact inside the marrow of dinosaur bones for the millions years that evolutionists claim as the age of the bones. The earth is thousands, not millions of years old. In the future this will become generally accepted fact.” (See article:“Molecular Analyses of Dinosaur Osteocytes Support the Presence of Endogenous Molecules” by M. H. Schweitzer et al. Bone, 52 no. 1 (2013): 414-423 as reported in Perspective, Answers Magazine, April-June 2013, 9-10.)
This brings us back to my Scroogelike Darwinian opposite number. The man is clearly shaken after reading the material presented in the booklets. He looks around and he looks up and begins to silently pray. He experiences the convicting power of God’s Holy Spirit. He comes to faith in Christ. He sees a young boy a short distance away and shouts to him “What day is this m’boy?” The boy answers: “Why it’s Christmas Day, Sir!” and the man says: “Thank God, I haven’t missed it!” He goes out to reconcile with all the people on campus he had deceived and opposed. He repented of atheistic evolution. He received Christ as Savior and he will follow Christ as Lord. And he’ll enjoy his first truly merry Christmas!
Then I heard a ringing sound. I woke up, shut off the alarm clock and said “Huh, just a dream, but an insightful one.” I got up, got dressed and went to work.
Many scientists and other academics are viewing the scientific evidence and coming to the conclusion that there has to be a Creator God. Many are taking a fresh look at Christianity. God loves us and has a wonderful plan for each of our lives. God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, who came in fulfillment of over three hundred prophecies written in the Old Testament.
Jesus Christ is the promised Messiah of Israel. The prophets foretold that Christ would suffer and die, taking the penalty of the sins of the people upon Himself. They foretold that Christ would rise from the dead to offer forgiveness of sins to all who repent and turn to Him. I invite you to call upon the name of Jesus Christ today to receive forgiveness of sins.
Steps to salvation:
Jesus said “Ye must be born again” (John 3:7).
Prayer to receive salvation:
“Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Romans 10:13).
To receive the salvation that Jesus purchased for us at the terrible cost of His suffering and death on our behalf I invite you to pray this simple prayer:
“Dear heavenly Father, I thank you for sending Jesus, the promised Messiah, to die for my sins. I admit that I am a sinner. I repent of my sins and I ask for your forgiveness on the basis of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. I ask you to fill me with your Holy Spirit to empower me to serve you under the Lordship of Jesus Christ, Amen.”
If you prayed this prayer in the humble sincerity of your heart then you have received everlasting life, which includes power to live right in this life and entrance into heaven in the afterlife!