Teaching Article #26 by Bill Nugent Rick Joyner, senior leader of MorningStar Ministries, Fort Mill South Carolina, had a spiritual encounter with Jesus in which he heard Jesus say "Tell My people who they are." A proper understanding of who you are in Christ will revolutionize your walk with God and imbue your prayers with more faith and fervency.…Read more
Teaching Article #25 by Bill Nugent Jesus said: "If anyone wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me" (Luke 9:23 NASB). I stand in the pulpit of a mega-church and say "How many here have committed your heart to Jesus Christ?" Everyone raises their hands in the affirmative. I ask "How many have ever re-committed your…Read more
Teaching Article #24 by Bill Nugent The year is 1100 BC in Bethlehem, Israel and two men walk into a bar. The old man says to the young man, "I haven't seen you here before. Are you new in town?" The young man says "This is my first time at this bar but I've been in almost every bar…Read more
Teaching Article #23 by Bill Nugent My father, Paul Clarkin Nugent (1921-1997), was drafted into the armed forces of the United States in August, 1943. He chose to enter the Marine Corps, a very dangerous choice considering their deployment on the front lines in the war. Because he was college educated, he was sent to several USMC training schools in…Read more
Bill's book: "The Cross, Self-Denial and the Manifestation of the Sons of God." is now on Kindle! Below is a link to the book on Kindle: https://www.amazon.com/Cross-Self-Denial-Manifestation-Sons-God-ebook/dp/B07NCL9B82/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1550282110&sr=8-1&keywords=the+cross+self-denial+and+the+manifestation+of+the+sons+of+God You can get a free Kindle app from my Kindle book page and read the book on any device. Please also visit my author page at Amazon. The author page has links to my…Read more
Article #22 by Bill Nugent In Revelation 12:10, Satan is called "the accuser of our brethren." Does Satan have any legal basis for accusing us based on the sins of our ancestors? Do we really need to repent for what our ancestors did ten, twenty or even one hundred generations ago? Are there strongholds of iniquity in our bloodlines that need to…Read more
by Bill Nugent Most people who study the Bible in depth would say that biblical Judaism did not end well. By biblical Judaism I mean the Torah Judaism of the Bible which was centered around animal sacrifices which were offered in the stone Temple located in Jerusalem. The time period was roughly 1500 BC to 33 AD. In this article I…Read more
Teaching Article #21 by Bill Nugent Jesus said to the paralyzed man whom He had just healed: "Behold, you have become well; do not sin any more, so that nothing worse may befall you" (John 5:14 NASB). In the epistle of James we read: "the prayer offered in faith will restore the one who is sick, and the…Read more
Teaching Article #20 by Bill Nugent I'd like to talk to you about how to release your faith to obtain your healing. Now before you click delete or get ready to toss this article into the recycling bin and before you sigh and say "I've studied faith for decades and I don't need a primer" just give me a…Read more
by Bill Nugent #19 Would it surprise you if I told you that the church doesn't really want revival? Would you protest and say "what church would be so backslidden that it wouldn't want revival?!" By church, I don't mean the nominal church or a backslidden church. I mean the radical, born-again, Christ loving church that faithfully adheres to the…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #02 If you're like me you see your aunts, uncles and cousins at weddings and funerals and seldom in between. A typical example is that you're at a wedding chatting -- over the loud music -- with a cousin you haven't seen in 5 years. You're burdened for his soul. You want to lead…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #03 In all the churches I've been in over the years I've noticed signs that said 'Do Not Smoke' and 'Do Not Chew Gum in the Sanctuary' but I've never seen a sign that said 'Do Not Eat the Potting Soil From the Potted Plants.' Consider this as an illustration. Why would a church…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #04 In January of 2000 I read in one of the major news magazines a list of the people who exerted the most influence on world history during the period 1000 to 1999. It came as something of a surprise to me that Johannes Gutenberg (1397 - 1468) was at the top of the list.…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #05 Imagine a doctoral student in northern India getting on line and opening an email from you. You've never met this man before and he's never heard of you yet there he is reading an email from you that explains the creationist position and reveals the lack of scientific credibility of evolution. This precious soul is…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #06 One of the best ways that an ordinary person can have a profound worldwide impact for the advancement of truth is to engage in debating unbelievers over the Internet. Not only do you reach the people with whom you directly debate but you also reach the far larger number of online spectators who follow the…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #07 The doctrine of the manifestation of the sons of God is a Bible doctrine that has seldom been taught until recent decades. The teaching on the manifestation of the sons of God is often called the "Manifested Sons Message" the "Sonship Message" the"Kingdom Message" or "Present Truth." In a nutshell the sonship…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #08 Eternal security is an issue of vital importance in the church today. There is a popular expression that says “Once saved, always saved.” If that statement is true then we can rejoice in the security of knowing that once we have experienced the new birth in Christ we are assured of heaven. There…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #09 Paul, the apostle wrote the following words in Romans 7:14 "I am carnal, sold under sin." These are puzzling words from the pen of perhaps the greatest apostle of the early church. Some have tried to explain away those words and other words in Romans seven in which Paul tells of his struggle…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #10 Rick Joyner of Morning Star Ministries has prophesied that in the end times there will be deeper revelatory insight into what it means to be saved. Polls consistently show that upwards of 40% of the American population consider themselves to be born again Christians. Careful analysis of the polling data conducted by Barna…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #11 One of the things that shows the uniqueness of the Bible and proves its divine wisdom is the Sabbath. One ancient Roman writer lamented that "The Hebrews waste one-seventh of their lives." Better minds now know that rest is not waste! The whole world now follows a seven day week and businesses all…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #12 It was the Autumn of 2007, my Mom had recently passed away and I was emptying the house to prepare it for sale. I was also preparing for an interstate move, from New York to New Hampshire. I was under pressure to downsize. I opened a box of my stored stuff. It was filled with old cassettes…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #13 The preacher looked out over the large congregation. He said "Are there any priests here today?" The people were surprised and fidgeted in their seats. Many looked around to see if there were any men with the telltale clerical collar. The pastor continued "Will all the priests present this morning please raise your…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #14 Most people who study the Bible in depth would say that biblical Judaism did not end well. By biblical Judaism I mean the Torah Judaism of the Bible which was centered around animal sacrifices which were offered in the stone Temple located in Jerusalem. By the first century AD, Judaism had a corrupt priesthood, was…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #15 Since it says in Psalm 110:4 and Hebrews 5:6 that Christ is a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek, I think we had better get a good understanding about this amazing man, Melchizedek. Melchizedek first appears in Genesis 14:18-20 in which he verbally blessed Abraham and Abraham gave him a tenth…Read more
by Bill Nugent Teaching Article #16 Do people suffer endless torment in hell? Does the Bible teach that those who reject the forgiveness of sins offered through Christ, suffer punishment with no relief even after billions and billions of years? Let me first mention that various shades of universalism have recently surfaced as issues among conservative Evangelicals. Rob…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #17 All Jews were commanded to be perfect Jews. All of the Jews were commanded to keep the Old Testament law perfectly yet only one Jew kept the law perfectly. In the fifteen centuries from Moses to John the Baptist only one Jew was fully obedient and that Jew was the manifested Son of…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #18 In Matthew 28:18-20, the church is commanded to make disciples of all nations. Yet we also see that prophecies contained in the Bible reveal that the church will fail to win all the nations to Christ and the nations will follow the antichrist at the end of days. We are commanded to succeed but…Read more