The Teaching Ministry of Bill Nugent

Christian Apologetics, The Manifestation of the Sons of God and Messianic Judaism

Evolution, Totalitarianism and the Road to Serfdom

Article #391 by Bill Nugent A book was published in Britain during World War II titled “The Road to Serfdom.”...


The Fundamentalist-Modernist Controversy of the 1920s

Article #389 by Bill Nugent The 1920s was a time of great drama and division in the United States and in many other nati...


Evolutionist Professor Becomes a Creationist

In 1980 things came to a head. There was a dispute over Kenyon's teaching creationism in his classes at San Francisco St...


We Must Contend Against the Slaughterhouses of the Mind

Article #373 by Bill Nugent   When the US Supreme Court handed down its decision legalizing abortion in all 50 stat...


Does Survival of the Fittest Prove Evolution?

Article #370 by Bill Nugent     Survival of the Fittest (also called Natural Selection) is a process in nature...


The Story of Ken Ham, Champion of Creation Against Evolution

Article #368 by Bill Nugent   Ken Ham (1951-   ) is one of the most influential Christian apologists of the 21st...


We’re in for a Wild Ride: Let’s Look at What People Will Say 100 Years From Now

Article #348 by Bill Nugent   One hundred years from now, in the year 2120, seven college students open a history b...


The Black Book of Communism Shows Number of People Killed By Communists

Article #344 by Bill Nugent   After the collapse of communism in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe in the early 1...


Viruses, Coronaviruses and How They Disprove Evolution

Article #343 by Bill Nugent  3/31/20   Do you know it’s impossible to kill a virus? That’s because vir...


Indian Scholar Ravi Zacharias Defended the Christian Faith

Article #340 by Bill Nugent   Ravi Zacharias (1946-2020 ) was one of the greatest intellectual apologists in the co...


A Christmas Carol of Evolution Errors: Past, Present and Future

Article #339 by Bill Nugent   I was walking across a college campus on a blustery late December day. I glanced at t...


Sargent Joe Friday Said “Just the Facts Ma’am” So Let’s Look at Some Facts About Evolution

Article #333 by Bill Nugent   Most of us remember the hard edged, square jawed, Sargent Joe Friday of the TV series...


Haldane’s Dilemma in Population Genetics Proves Impossibility of Ape to Human Evolution

Article # 328 by Bill Nugent This is essentially a revision of an article about Haldane’s Dilemma which I sent out...