A Christmas Carol of Evolution Errors: Past, Present and Future
Article #339 by Bill Nugent I was walking across a college campus on a blustery late December day. I glanced at t...
Article #339 by Bill Nugent I was walking across a college campus on a blustery late December day. I glanced at t...
Article #333 by Bill Nugent Most of us remember the hard edged, square jawed, Sargent Joe Friday of the TV series...
Article # 328 by Bill Nugent This is essentially a revision of an article about Haldane’s Dilemma which I sent out...
Article #323 by Bill Nugent A group of scientists has publicly dissented from establishment neo-Darwinian evoluti...
by Bill Nugent With sadness I reflect on the death of Harvard professor and prolific author, Dr. Stephen J. Gould. Dr....
article #318 by Bill Nugent Imagine if a genetic mutation involving just 52 base pairs in the DNA was enough to m...
article #316 by Bill Nugent There were two fleas on the back of a large dog. They were deep in the fur and nestle...
Article #308 by Bill Nugent Sitting in public school science class in the fifth grade, I saw a classmate flip th...
Article #302 by Bill Nugent The recent mapping of the human genome (DNA) has been revolutionizing science and has immens...
Article #297 by Bill Nugent For over thirty years I worked as a carpenter in the residential construction and remodeling...
article #292 by Bill Nugent There are over seven billion people alive on earth today. The DNA of all people is well over...
Article #281 by Bill Nugent Darwinists claim that the accumulation of favorable genetic mutations is how humans evolved...
by Bill Nugent Article #05 Imagine a doctoral student in northern India getting on line and opening an email fro...