The Teaching Ministry of Bill Nugent

Christian Apologetics, The Manifestation of the Sons of God and Messianic Judaism

A Christmas Carol of Evolution Errors: Past, Present and Future

Article #339 by Bill Nugent   I was walking across a college campus on a blustery late December day. I glanced at t...


Sargent Joe Friday Said “Just the Facts Ma’am” So Let’s Look at Some Facts About Evolution

Article #333 by Bill Nugent   Most of us remember the hard edged, square jawed, Sargent Joe Friday of the TV series...


Haldane’s Dilemma in Population Genetics Proves Impossibility of Ape to Human Evolution

Article # 328 by Bill Nugent This is essentially a revision of an article about Haldane’s Dilemma which I sent out...


Rebellion in the Evolution Camp: the “Third Way” Scientists Challenge the Establishment

Article #323 by Bill Nugent   A group of scientists has publicly dissented from establishment neo-Darwinian evoluti...


The Death Of Evolutionist Professor Stephen J. Gould

by Bill Nugent With sadness I reflect on the death of Harvard professor and prolific author, Dr. Stephen J. Gould. Dr....


Probability Analysis of a Genetic Mutation

article #318 by Bill Nugent   Imagine if a genetic mutation involving just 52 base pairs in the DNA was enough to m...


Three Major Scientific Issues that Disprove Darwinian Evolution

article #316 by Bill Nugent   There were two fleas on the back of a large dog. They were deep in the fur and nestle...


My Personal Journey Through Darwinian Evolution

Article #308 by Bill Nugent   Sitting in public school science class in the fifth grade, I saw a classmate flip th...


DNA Mutation Rate Disproves Darwinian Evolution

Article #302 by Bill Nugent The recent mapping of the human genome (DNA) has been revolutionizing science and has immens...


Accidental Engineering: the Central Claim of Darwinism

Article #297 by Bill Nugent For over thirty years I worked as a carpenter in the residential construction and remodeling...


Lack of Beneficial DNA Mutations Refutes Darwinian Evolution

article #292 by Bill Nugent There are over seven billion people alive on earth today. The DNA of all people is well over...


Proof that Genetic Mutations are not a Mechanism for Evolution

Article #281 by Bill Nugent Darwinists claim that the accumulation of favorable genetic mutations is how humans evolved...



  by Bill Nugent Article #05   Imagine a doctoral student in northern India getting on line and opening an email fro...