Every 80 years or so, America is plunged into a transformational revolution. The First American revolution, 1776-1783, was the separation from Britain. The Second American revolution, the Civil War, 1861-1865, was the end of slavery and it's enormous economic impacts. The crisis of 1939-1945, World War II, was not an American revolution but was a global revolution against fascism in Europe and east Asia. The Third…Read more
In the interview, Abke claimed that Jesus was an Essene and that Jesus was influenced by eastern religious teachings. The claim that Jesus was an Essene sounds ridiculous but many young people are being deceived. This heresy must be exposed and refuted.Read more
The last three chapters of the Old Testament book of Zechariah give a dramatic prophetic picture of modern Israel.Read more
Descartes not only doubted his existence but he doubted that he was even thinking. He even doubted that he was doubting. But then Descartes had the brainstorm of an idea and said to himself that doubting is a form of thinking. If I am doubting I am thinking. To think requires a thinker and therefore if I think, I exist.…Read more
The most radical revolution of the 1960s was feminism. Feminism had more influence than all the other 1960s revolutions combined.Read more
The mass shootings are carried out by mentally ill people. Current treatment protocols make mental conditions worse.Read more
In 1980 things came to a head. There was a dispute over Kenyon's teaching creationism in his classes at San Francisco State University. Kenyan challenged anyone on the faculty to a debate on the merits of evolutionary theory versus scientific creationism.Read more
Article #381 by Bill Nugent Uncle Tom's Cabin sold more copies than any other book, except the Bible, in the 1800s. This novel had a powerful influence on the United States and many other nations. The author, Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811-1896), was a profoundly devout Christian lady. Harriet came from The prominent Beecher family. Her father, Lyman Beecher (1775-1863) was a very well-known and influential…Read more
Article #380 by Bill Nugent Closure of hundreds of coal-fired power plants causes real danger to our power grid and the potential for months-long blackouts. I'll also discuss a political power grab that's underway, using climate change as a pretext. The words "climate change" and "global warming" are used to designate the claim that human industrial activity, which releases carbon dioxide…Read more
Article #379 by Bill Nugent There's a lot of politics being preached from pulpits in Evangelical and charismatic churches these days. Some are uncomfortable about it. Some regard it as necessary. When I was a young believer in Christ, in the 1970s, you almost never heard politics being preached from evangelical pulpits. You never heard the words Democrat or Republican being mentioned from the…Read more
Article #378 by Bill Nugent In 1890, a young man, about 18, is reading in a philosophy book. The book he's reading was written by none other than the famous utilitarian philosopher John Stuart Mill (1806-1873). The young man is not deeply religious but he believes God is the first cause of all things. He reads a passage in the…Read more
Article #377 by Bill Nugent Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) led the French army into Egypt in the summer of 1798. He was seeking to establish a route to India to attack the British there. India was ruled by the British at the time. Napoleon scored a stunning victory at the Battle of the Pyramids in July of 1798 . Months later, in…Read more
Article #376 by Bill Nugent There have always been two major paths in life. God has given us a choice between light and darkness, blessing and cursing, the narrow way or the broad way. Each century gave humankind a choice between two paths. "I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. So choose…Read more
Article #375 by Bill Nugent Norman Wayne Williams was a born-again Christian from the age of seven. In late March of 1977 Norman and a business associate boarded a plane in Los Angeles and headed to the Canary Islands which is located just off the northwest coast of Africa. The plane refueled in New York and crossed the Atlantic…Read more
Article #374 by Bill Nugent We must be prepared to defend ourselves. We are on the verge of a time of global persecution of not only the church but of all people who adhere to traditional values. Jesus said "he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one" (Luke 22:36). There are times and circumstances when…Read more
Article #373 by Bill Nugent When the US Supreme Court handed down its decision legalizing abortion in all 50 states of the United States in January of 1973, I was pro-abortion. I was just 16 years old at the time but I took a very cynical view regarding the killing of innocent children in their mother's wombs. I'm now…Read more
Article #372 by Bill Nugent The United States and several NATO allies are now at war with Russia. American troops are not fighting against Russia in Ukraine but the policy of arming of Ukraine is a proxy war against Russia. It's a war against fascism. Russia has gone from communist to fascist. The communist Soviet Union collapsed in…Read more
Article #371 by Bill Nugent Have you ever wondered about what happens to people who live in isolated parts of the world and who've never heard the Gospel and never even seen a Bible? The Bible clearly teaches that such people are still responsible for their sins. God has put the truth in their consciences and in their…Read more
Article #370 by Bill Nugent Survival of the Fittest (also called Natural Selection) is a process in nature in which the weaker plants and animals die and the strong survive and reproduce. The weak animals are culled out. Natural selection doesn't create DNA. Natural selection doesn't add information to DNA which would add new features to plants…Read more
Article #369 by Bill Nugent Imagine it's the year 1516, the year before the Protestant Reformation. You're in the heart of Europe, surrounded by nations to which the gospel has been proclaimed. You're in the heart of Christendom. The governments of the European nations are absolute monarchies. Kings and emperors rule as dictators. There's no religious freedom. Subjects of…Read more
Article #368 by Bill Nugent Ken Ham (1951- ) is one of the most influential Christian apologists of the 21st century. Ham was born in Cairns, Queensland, Australia. Cairns is in northeastern Australia, located in the tropics with a very hot summer but with a beautiful warm dry climate in the fall and winter months from May to August.…Read more
Article #367 by Bill Nugent Jesus preached a message of peace, love and forgiveness. He told us to love our enemies and do good to those who persecute us. Today, in the 21st century, we reflect on that message as a message that brought hope and reconciliation to the world. In the first century however, this message was an…Read more
Article #366 by Bill Nugent You've heard about The Great Reset, which is a power grab by corporate and government technocrats. They intend to make sweeping changes in our economy and government in order to reduce emission of greenhouse gases and prevent global warming. Let me first draw a parallel with 18th century history. History often repeats itself. An…Read more
Article #365 by Bill Nugent We could be on the verge of World War 3, only this time it's not Nazi Germany it's Nazi Russia. Let's look at the potential for the war in Ukraine to escalate to nuclear war in Europe. It's been said that generals fight the last war. Zelensky invokes Churchill. He should talk peace…Read more
Article #364 by Bill Nugent Did you know that there was one decision made by one man on one day during the summer of 1941 that changed the course of World War II? If that man had not made that decision Germany likely would have won the war in Europe. That day was August 23rd 1941. Let me…Read more
Article #363 by Bill Nugent Did you ever wonder why so many children who were raised in solid Christian families have left the faith? They didn't just "go into the world." They were actively proselytized and converted into another religion. Let's take a look at this other religion and its many denominations. This will help us get our children back! Did…Read more
Article #362 by Bill Nugent The pastor was giving a very dramatic sermon on the heroic role of Christians who rescued Jews during the Holocaust from 1938 to 1945. This particular Sunday happened to coincide with Yom HaShoah which is the Jewish Day of remembrance of the Holocaust. He got emotional at times as he described the suffering and sacrifice of Christian citizens in…Read more
Article #361 by Bill Nugent Austrian psychologist Viktor Frankl (1905 -1997) suffered the horrors of internment in four Nazi concentration camps from 1942 to 1945. He was able to survive the unspeakable abuse and deprivation by focusing on the real purpose and meaning of human existence. Born to a Jewish family in Vienna, Frankl developed a school of psychology in the…Read more
Article #360 by Bill Nugent What are Christians to do when a gang of murderers and thieves takes over the government of their country? History tells us that many in the church stood up to Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. The conservative Protestant church was one of the few entities that defied Hitler. This gives us extremely important insights…Read more
Article #359 by Bill Nugent I'll try and keep this simple, informative and brief. Let me start by saying that a virus is not a living organism. A virus neither eats or excretes. It has no respiration. Viruses can be either DNA viruses or RNA viruses. The Covid-19 virus is an RNA virus. It's a lot harder to build…Read more
Article #358 by Bill Nugent The climate of planet earth has changed many times over the centuries. In the Roman Warm Period from 250 BC to AD 400, date palms were cultivated in Greece and olive trees in southern Germany. During the Medieval Warm Period, 950 to 1250, wine was produced by grapes grown in northern England. The cool temperatures of the Little Ice…Read more
Article #357 by Bill Nugent The Bible speaks of four reformations of Judaism. Two reformations are in the past and two are in the future. This is not to be confused with German Reform Judaism of Moses Mendelssohn (1729-1786). A proper understanding of the four biblical reformations of Judaism is vital to understanding how God's grace impacts all of world history.…Read more
Article #356 by Bill Nugent Christian leaders are often asked about yoga. Are there any spiritual dangers in being involved in yoga? Many people have been involved in yoga, and some have even taught yoga, before they came to Christ. Two very prominent former yoga teachers are Mike Shreve of Shreve Ministries and Mike Austin of Publish the Good News Ministries.…Read more
Article #355 by Bill Nugent The year is 30 A.D. Two teenage boys are apprentices in a cobbler shop in Capernaum, a small town by the Sea of Galilee. Their master is out of town on a leather buying trip. The boys are distracted from their work by noise from people rushing around outside. They ask a man about it…Read more
Article #354 by Bill Nugent In all of my lifetime I've never seen America more divided than it is now. I believe the reason for this radical cultural and political division is because of the clash of two religions. I remember a time when Republicans and Democrats disagreed mainly on economic issues. The Republicans said we need to support business and create…Read more
Article #353 by Bill Nugent I wish to show you how authoritarianism in science held back scientific discovery for nearly 2000 years. Science was suppressed from ancient times to medieval times. I also wish to show you that a new authoritarianism has arisen in science and this is holding back scientific discovery in our own time. It may be surprising…Read more
Article #352 by Bill Nugent I want to tell you how much I like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. In fact I'll go beyond that and I'll say that I love Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. Jesus said "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself" (Matt. 22:39). I love them so much because they're doing a fabulous job of wrecking the party of death.…Read more
article #351 by Bill Nugent Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980) is considered by many to be the single most persuasive and enigmatic philosopher of the 20th century. He was a radical atheist existentialist and towards the end of his life, an anarchist philosopher. He spoke into the hearts and minds of millions of college students and professors. One reason why he made a profound impact on…Read more
Article #349 by Bill Nugent Where were you in 1968? That was a frequent question posed in the years following the most turbulent decade in American history. The 1960s was a time of revolutionary change in the United States and in Western Europe and all across the globe. It can be argued that the revolutionary changes that occurred in…Read more
Article #350 by Bill Nugent We've all seen them as we've driven down the road. We look to the right and we see acres of solar panels. They're called solar farms. Solar energy has been around since the 1950s. Brilliant teams of scientists and engineers have tried to improve solar energy technology but even after all these years it's still…Read more
Article #348 by Bill Nugent One hundred years from now, in the year 2120, seven college students open a history book and study a chapter about early 21st century America. They gasped and one student said: "What were they thinking? How could they do such crazy things! They rioted and burned down their cities and did battle among the ruins! The…Read more
Article #347 by Bill Nugent I once debated a man over the internet who said "Show me a Cambrian rabbit and I'll become a creationist." (A Cambrian rabbit would be a rabbit fossil found in a very low fossil layer, called the Cambrian.) I don't specifically have a Cambrian rabbit to show you today but I've got something ten times as explosive. I've got…Read more
Article #346 by Bill Nugent Line up any ten people and ask them to define communism and they'll all get it right. They'll say "Communism is Government ownership of all private property, one party rule with a dictator at the top, government censorship of all communication." Now line up the same ten people and ask them to define fascism and you'll likely get…Read more
Article #345 by Bill Nugent Aldous Huxley's novel: Brave New World , set in London in the year 2540, gives a grim picture of a dystopian civilization built on secular atheistic foundations. The novel depicts the world idolizing or worshiping Henry Ford and swearing "by Ford" rather than "by Lord" and cutting off the tops of crosses to make a "T" in honor…Read more
Article #344 by Bill Nugent After the collapse of communism in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe in the early 1990s a vast array of formerly secret government archives became available to researchers. One result was the publication of a book in France in 1997 titled: The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression by Courtois, Werth, Panne, Paczkowski, Bartosek and…Read more
Article #343 by Bill Nugent Socialism is making a comeback. It's not just young people excited about Bernie Sanders, the recent socialist candidate for president. The desire for socialism runs far deeper than mere political and economic gratification. Socialism has very deep philosophical and religious roots. It's worth taking a look at the roots of socialism through the eyes…Read more
Article #343 by Bill Nugent 3/31/20 Do you know it's impossible to kill a virus? That's because viruses are not living organisms. Viruses do not eat and they do not excrete. Viruses have no respiration. Viruses consist of a protein sheath that surrounds a small genome consisting of DNA or RNA. Antibiotics kill bacteria but have no effect on…Read more
Article #341 by Bill Nugent Frank Turek (1961- ) leads the Cross Examined Ministry based in Charlotte North Carolina. Turek is an apologist (apologist = defender, i.e. defender of the Christian faith). He is in high demand as a speaker at a variety of venues, including conferences, churches, universities and high schools. Turek has publicly debated prominent atheist, Christopher Hitchens. He's debated…Read more
Article #340 by Bill Nugent Ravi Zacharias (1946-2020 ) was one of the greatest intellectual apologists in the contemporary evangelical church. Apologist means "Defender" i.e. defender of the faith. He was born in Madras India. As a very young child, he moved with his family to Delhi, where he was raised. The family was Anglican, so young Ravi got some basic exposure to…Read more
Article #339 by Bill Nugent I was walking across a college campus on a blustery late December day. I glanced at the buildings and remembered my own days as a college student when suddenly I saw a strange man. He was dressed in nineteenth century garb, like he just stepped out of 1850s London. He looked like Charles Darwin…Read more
Article #337 by Bill Nugent In an English literature classroom in a college in the eastern U.S. in the late 1950s, sat a student named R.C. Sproul. He was barely nineteen years old and he had recently made a commitment to receive Christ as Savior and to follow Him as Lord. It was known around campus that Sproul made…Read more
Article #336 by Bill Nugent Rabi Maharaj (1947- ) was raised as a Hindu and trained to be a yogi. His ancestry is a long line of Brahmin priests and gurus. He converted to Christianity as a young man in the 1970s. His book, Death of a Guru, published in 1977 and translated into over sixty languages tells the…Read more
The Cambrian Explosion is the term used to describe the sudden appearance of an extremely large number of diverse fossils in the fossil record. The Cambrian rock layer is at the lowest level of significant fossil bearing rock layers. The Precambrian rock layer, which is just below the Cambrian, has extremely few fossils. The Cambrian rock layer has billions of fossils. The…Read more
Article #335 by Bill Nugent The fundamental breakthroughs in chemistry and physics occurred in the seventeenth century (1600s) at the hands of Christian men in western Europe. These breakthroughs gave us the modern world of motorcars, jet planes, computers and smartphones. Francis Bacon (1561-1626), a Bible believing Christian, formulated the scientific method which is fundamental to modern science. The scientific method…Read more
Article #334 by Bill Nugent There's a man who lived in early colonial America who's unknown to most of us, yet he's called the father of American democracy by historian John Fiske. This man, Thomas Hooker, was born in Leicestershire, England in 1586. He was a Puritan and he was well educated in theology. He earned his Masters degree at…Read more
Article #333 by Bill Nugent Most of us remember the hard edged, square jawed, Sargent Joe Friday of the TV series Dragnet 1967 or have seen him in reruns. His iconic one liners such as "Just the facts, Ma'am" and "let's get a 'black and white' to the scene" showed the no-nonsense American characteristic of straightforward dealing with facts and law. Speaking of facts,…Read more
Article #332 by Bill Nugent The Protestant Reformation of the sixteenth century was about salvation. The controversy was about how does a nonchristian become a Christian and receive forgiveness of sins. There were many other issues involved, including worship and church government but the central issue was salvation. The Protestants adhere strictly to the Bible as the final court…Read more
Article #331 by Bill Nugent Tom Cruise is an enigma of contemporary American celebrity life. He's both a famous actor and an activist in religious and psychotherapy circles. In this article we'll take a brief look at his life through the lens of his involvement of what has been called the largest UFO cult, namely Scientology. Tom Cruise (1962- …Read more
Article #329 by Bill Nugent There's been a great deal of attention paid to the Ice Age in recent years. There's been entertaining films for children and documentaries that appeal to students. Additionally, there's the ongoing scholarly analysis of Ice Age fossils. Mainstream science is in a quandary in trying to explain how the Ice Age occurred. There are…Read more
Article #330 by Bill Nugent In a comment severely criticizing one of my blog posts, a man derided Christians as those who live by an ancient book. His comment applauded those who live by contemporary ideas rather than by our trusty old Bible. I will show that contemporary ideas, be they modern or postmodern, are nothing new but date…Read more
Article # 328 by Bill Nugent This is essentially a revision of an article about Haldane's Dilemma which I sent out years ago. That article was well received at the time because of the clarity of the genetic facts that should settle the debate on ape to human evolution. This is a bit longer than my other articles. I hope…Read more
Article #327 by Bill Nugent Every life tells a story and the life of Gunter Bechly, Ph. D. tells the journey of a scientist who took a stand for the facts even when it threatened to destroy his career. Gunter Bechly is a prominent German paleoentomologist. He specializes in the study of insects and insect fossils. He was curator for…Read more
Article #326 by Bill Nugent The famous song "I Did It My Way" (Usually titled just "My Way") was written in 1968 at the height of the tumultuous 1960s. The lyrics were written by Paul Anka, a performer who gained fame in the 1950s and sung by Frank Sinatra, who first gained fame in the 1940s. Paul Anka heard the French…Read more
Article #325 by Bill Nugent On January 27, 2017, Jerry Pearce noticed oil spreading within his Bible at Psalm 39. Little did he know that this was the beginning of hundreds of gallons of oil flowing from his Bible in a truly wondrous miracle. The oil is still flowing all these months later! It's a precious token of the fact…Read more
Article #324 by Bill Nugent The New Age Movement was front page news all during the 1980s. Terms like "channeling" and "harmonic convergence" were discussed and warned against. Followers of the New Age Movement claimed that their Lord Maitreya could appear any day. Christians began to think that Maitreya would be the antichrist. The New Age Movement is…Read more
Article #323 by Bill Nugent A group of scientists has publicly dissented from establishment neo-Darwinian evolution. This is a palace coup. It's deviance within the evolution camp by those who remain committed to evolution but reject Darwinism. They are not creationists or even adherents to Intelligent Design (ID). They call themselves "The Third Way." Their website: ww.thethirdwayofevolution.com, states their…Read more
by Bill Nugent With sadness I reflect on the death of Harvard professor and prolific author, Dr. Stephen J. Gould. Dr. Gould was a down to earth, affable man who wrote many books on the subject of evolution. He attempted to bring evolution to the masses in simplistic, even entertaining terms. His work is reminiscent of that of Thomas Huxley (1825-1895). Huxley…Read more
Article #322by Bill Nugent The student said: "I don't need your dusty old Bible or your concept of God to control my life!" The remark was something of a surprise to the ears of the man at the Christian book table. The student who uttered those words was a physics student named Jamie who usually seemed open to spiritual matters. The man at the book…Read more
Article #321 by Bill Nugent Antony Flew (1923-2010) was an atheist of atheists. He was a British scholar and college professor who wrote dozens of books arguing for atheism or on other philosophical subjects, writing from a perspective of atheism. Some considered him to be the world's leading atheist. He made headlines around the world in 2004 when he…Read more
Article #320 by Bill Nugent Things are getting very bizarre in alien abduction claims these days. People are getting hurt in more ways than one. People are deceived, stressed, fearful and mentally depressed because of alleged UFO "abduction" experiences. We must be prepared to help people get free from this demonic deception. A recent episode of a TV…Read more
Article #319 by Bill Nugent Some people attack the Bible by claiming that parts of the Bible are unreasonable. How do I respond? Let me start by showing you the most irrational, unreasonable verse in the whole Bible. I've scoured the Bible from end to end and found a verse for you that's the least rational. I want to…Read more
article #318 by Bill Nugent Imagine if a genetic mutation involving just 52 base pairs in the DNA was enough to make a significant change for the better in an organism. In this article, we'll take a look at the very small probability of fifty two DNA base pairs being arranged by unguided, random processes into a beneficial mutation.…Read more
article #317 by Bill Nugent In postmodern civilization there are two major pillars of secularism. On the one hand is Darwinian evolution and on the other are UFOs. Darwinism appeals to the analytic scientific minded person. UFOs and UFO cults appeal to people who are more intuitive and abstract in their thinking. Darwinism is crumbling as the facts of…Read more
article #316 by Bill Nugent There were two fleas on the back of a large dog. They were deep in the fur and nestled on the warm skin of the dog. One flea says to the other flea: "Sometimes I wonder if there really is a dog." (from the cartoon, The Far Side). The evidence for the existence of the dog…Read more
by Bill Nugent In 1953 the news flashed around the world that Stanley Miller, Ph. D. had formed amino acids (the building blocks of proteins) by shooting electricity through a simulated early earth atmosphere. This was a bold attempt to try to prove that single-celled organisms such as bacteria could form by random interaction of energy and chemicals. This…Read more
Article #244 by Bill Nugent A right understanding of the differences between the wisdom of the east and the wisdom of the west will help bring many things into proper focus. Eastern wisdom ultimately stems from eastern religion. Eastern religion, such as Hinduism, is generally pantheistic. Pantheism is the belief that all things are essentially of the same essence or substance…Read more
Article #315 by Bill Nugent One of the most basic and fundamental questions that any religion or philosophical system must answer is "What is your response to the problem of evil?" Thought systems rise or fall depending on how they deal with the problem of evil. Hinduism deals with evil by claiming that the world is "maya" which means "illusion." Hindu author Jayaram V put it this way: "Our scriptures declare that creation…Read more
by Bill Nugent The CAT scan has not only revolutionized diagnostic medicine but has also revolutionized the study of fossil skulls. Dr. Fred Spoor, Anatomist at University College, London and joint editor of the Journal of Human Evolution has done CAT scans of many fossil skulls put forward by paleoanthropologists as potential human ancestors. In addition to Dr. Spoor's CAT…Read more
Article #314 by Bill Nugent In January of 1973 I was a high school junior and my mind was a toxic swirl of atheism, agnosticism and shallow, legalistic religion. I struggled with anxiety and a touch of obsessive-compulsive disorder. It seemed that each day I leaned one way and then another in my thoughts about religion or rejection of religion. I grimly pursued…Read more
Article #313 by Bill Nugent Thomas Jefferson, third president of the United States, lived during a time when America was vexed by the sin of chattel slavery. The following is a quote from the third panel of the Jefferson Memorial in Washington D.C. "God who gave us life gave us liberty. And can the liberties of a nation…Read more
Article #312 by Bill Nugent The Solar eclipse that occurred on August 21, 2017 was the first total eclipse to make a path across the continental U.S. since the one on June 8, 1918 and most of us were too young to remember that one. This year's eclipse was also rare in that it made landfall exclusively on the continental U.S. It didn't touch Europe, Asia…Read more
Article #311 by Bill Nugent This past summer was fifty years since the 1967 Summer of Love. It was a watershed. It was a pivotal time in our history. It was so much more than just flower children singing peace songs. It was the culmination of decades of philosophical and political turmoil. The leaders of the new hippy movement put out a call…Read more
Article #310 by Bill Nugent It was the Autumn of 1926 in a pub near Cambridge University in southern England. Two students sat at a table late in the evening. As the astronomy major sipped his grog he said to the theology student "If you could prove to me scientifically, that the universe had a beginning, I'd go to…Read more
Article #309 by Bill Nugent In the summer of 2067, a gray haired, athletically built man led two of his grandchildren up to the top of a wooded ridge overlooking a field. He pointed to the far side of the field and said "Do you see that old, wide concrete slab with rusty iron bolts sticking up from several sections of it?"…Read more
Article #308 by Bill Nugent Sitting in public school science class in the fifth grade, I saw a classmate flip through an evolution picture book. The boy excitedly exclaimed that apes could turn into people over time. I got a dramatic lesson in evolution in that teachable moment. I was converted to the religion of blind chance plus apes equals human beings. It was the year…Read more
Article #307 by Bill Nugent What if I told you that there was a vast epidemic sweeping across America and it was under-reported because it's an embarrassment to some of our cultural leaders? Such is the case with the epidemic of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). When was the last time you switched on the TV and saw a Sixty…Read more
Article #306 by Bill Nugent "For the kingdom of God does not consist in words, but in power" (I Cor. 4:20 NASB). Christianity is a rational faith. Christianity is an evidential faith. It is not a blind leap of faith. Jesus came in fulfillment of hundreds of Old Testament prophecies. Jesus also performed miracles of healing in front of eyewitnesses. It…Read more
Article #305 by Bill Nugent Let's consider the following quote: "Now Imagine 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 blind persons each with a scrambled Rubik cube, and try to conceive of the chance of them all simultaneously arriving at the solved form. You then have the chance at arriving by random shuffling of just one of the many biopolymers [proteins] on which life depends.…Read more
Article #303 by Bill Nugent In the early years of the industrial revolution, in the late 1700s and early 1800s, there were many attempts to build perpetual motion machines. Perpetual motion machines would operate in such a way that they would consume less energy than they produce. Perpetual motion machines would have freed industry from reliance on water wheels for power. In their…Read more
Article #302 by Bill Nugent The recent mapping of the human genome (DNA) has been revolutionizing science and has immense practical applications in many fields, including law enforcement. You've certainly read that DNA evidence compellingly links perpetrators to crimes and sends them to jail. DNA evidence has, in many cases, set innocent people free. DNA evidence also reveals the fatal flaws of Darwinism. Did…Read more
Article #301 by Bill Nugent Have you heard of the Four Horsemen of the New Atheism? The four horsemen are four of the most prominent atheists of the twenty-first century. The four men began using the term "four horsemen of the new atheism" after meeting together at Christopher Hitchens' home in 2007. The men are: prominent evolutionist Richard Dawkins (1941- …Read more
Article #300 by Bill Nugent Today, we will glean lessons from the life of Bob Jones, a man who exemplified the office of New Testament prophet. (This is not the Bob Jones who founded Bob Jones University). Prophecy and accurate fulfillment of prophecy is one of the hallmarks of our Judeo-Christian faith. God said: "Declaring the end from the…Read more
Article #299 by Bill Nugent It was almost eleven o'clock at night when the preacher began to give an altar call for salvation. It seemed like an afterthought. Let's just get this done so we can all get going home. He rushed through it. He didn't explain what salvation is nor did he mention sin or the need for repentance or…Read more
Article #298 by Bill Nugent Secularism, also called secular humanism, is the dominant philosophical force of our age. Darwinian evolution is the taproot of secularism. Darwinism is the origins myth of the secular worldview. Without Darwinism, the whole secular edifice crumbles. Charles Darwin can be called the messiah of secularism. Richard Dawkins, today's most prominent evolutionist, is the secular…Read more
Article #297 by Bill Nugent For over thirty years I worked as a carpenter in the residential construction and remodeling business. That was my day job as I studied and wrote. My homebuilding experience gave me great appreciation for how things are put together. Additionally, I have a brother and a brother-in-law who are architects. My father and maternal grandfather…Read more
Article #296 by Bill Nugent The attitude that regards certain tribes as less than human is the foundation of brutality. If you believe that a person is less than human, you can treat that person badly and your conscience won't bother you. Your conscience permits you to butcher an animal and eat it. Why wouldn't your conscience permit you to kill a…Read more
Article #295 by Bill Nugent In October of 2015 I met former Georgia state senator Michael Crotts. When Mike Crotts first ran for senator in 1992 he suffered a fatal heart attack and was rushed to a local hospital with no pulse or respiration. They forced oxygen into him but unfortunately intubated his esophagus rather than his trachea. The oxygen bloated his…Read more
Article #294 by Bill Nugent The Cambrian Explosion is the term used to describe the sudden appearance of an extremely large number of diverse fossils in the fossil record. The Cambrian rock layer is at the lowest level of significant fossil bearing rock layers. The Precambrian rock layer, which is just below the Cambrian, has extremely few fossils. The Cambrian rock layer has billions…Read more
Article #293 by Bill Nugent The play, Waiting for Godot was voted the most significant English language play of the 20th century in a 1999 British poll of 800 playwrights, actors, directors and journalists. Its author, Samuel Beckett (1906-1989) received the 1969 Nobel Prize in literature for this play and his many other writings. Waiting for Godot was controversial from the time of…Read more
article #292 by Bill Nugent There are over seven billion people alive on earth today. The DNA of all people is well over 99% similar. The less than one percent difference is in minor details including skin color and facial features. The "races" are each fully human and there is no subspecies of humans possessing markedly different DNA. Darwinian evolutionists claim that…Read more
Article #291 by Bill Nugent What do you say when the highest court in our land changes the meaning of the word, marriage, in US law to include same sex unions? This definition of marriage is forced upon every state and locality in the US. I will show you how and why it gives powerful momentum to the gay agenda. The…Read more
Article #290 By Bill Nugent In early July, 1947, after severe thunderstorms, some unusual debris was found on a ranch northwest of Roswell, New Mexico. The rancher and some neighbors went out and examined the debris. Since it was near the Roswell Army Air Field, they reported the finding to military personnel at the airfield. From the beginning there was…Read more
Article #289 By Bill Nugent I've often mentioned that God has two books. One is the Bible and the other is nature. God inspired the Bible and God created nature. The Bible and nature do not contradict each other. I've shown in many apologetic articles that as science progresses it moves in the direction of confirming the truth of the Bible. …Read more
Article #288 by Bill Nugent The Bible's commands are not always austere and forbidding. In fact, surprisingly enough, there are some biblical moral commands that are so liberal that it exceeds the liberality of our own modern age. Here are several areas where present United States law would have to liberalize if it were to conform to Old Testament biblical law. In…Read more
Article #287 by Bill Nugent Traditional archaeologists are hard pressed to explain the existence of hundreds of locations of submerged city ruins in oceans and seas all over the world. I recently became acquainted with the Genesis Veracity Foundation and its website www.genesisveracityfoundation.com. The article "Submerged Ruins Atlantis" is posted on their website and gives an interesting discussion of the many submerged archaeological…Read more
Article #286 by Bill Nugent The History Channel's "Ancient Aliens" series promotes the bizarre and absurd notion that space travelers from other planets helped build the pyramids of Egypt and other ancient wonders. I would not be inclined to spend time to discuss this if it weren't for the fact that some speakers on the Ancient Aliens series stray into blasphemy…Read more
Article #285 by Bill Nugent Ancient people had very little to distract them. They had no magazines, no novels, no radio, no TV, no NFL. They lived a subsistence economic existence with over 80% of their earnings committed to buy food. They worked from sunrise to sunset seven days a week. Only the Jews had a Sabbath. God invented the weekend and…Read more
Article #284 By Bill Nugent A paradigm shift is a sea change. A paradigm shift is a fundamental change in the way scientists connect the dots in making sense of collected data. Paradigm shifts are rare because the prominent scientists and academics who have authority in scientific circles strongly believe in the old establishment scientific model. To begin, let’s…Read more
Article #283 by Bill Nugent Have you ever wondered why the great leaps of political freedom, human rights and equality occurred in Europe and America in the centuries just after the Protestant Reformation? Church reform led to political reform. For the first time in all of world history the Bible was freely available to people across the entire continents of Europe and North America. The…Read more
Article #282 by Bill Nugent When I was a young believer, in the late 1970s, I heard about the angelic visitations experienced by an Assembly of God pastor in Boise, Idaho named Roland Buck. I read Roland Buck's book, Angels on Assignment that describes more than twenty visitations by angels that Buck experienced from 1977 to 1979. A sequel to that book was…Read more
Article #281 by Bill Nugent Darwinists claim that the accumulation of favorable genetic mutations is how humans evolved from "goo to you by way of the zoo." Recent advances in the science of genetics, especially the mapping of the human genome (DNA) and the mapping of animal genomes, has exposed the impossibility of mutations being a Darwinian change mechanism. You…Read more
article #280 by Bill Nugent Every life tells a story. A very enigmatic story is told by the life and times of Clinton Richard Dawkins (1941- ). Dawkins is perhaps the world's most prominent promoter of atheistic Darwinian evolution. He is one of the "new atheists" along with Sam Harris, Daniel Dennett and the late Christopher Hitchens. Dawkins was born…Read more
Article #279 by Bill Nugent The year was 1965, on the cusp of the sixties generation's search for meaning and destiny. A new book by a British scholar appeared that would attempt to flip the table over regarding Jesus, the most influential religious leader in all of world history. If you know your sixties history, you know that young people…Read more
by Bill Nugent article #278 The Matterhorn is the most beautiful mountain in the Alps. Its distinctive hooked peak is immediately recognizable. The Matterhorn has been called "a mountain upside down" by creationists since this mountain is where we find a supposed 200 million year old fossil layer (Mesozoic) on top of a supposed 40 million year old (Cenozoic) layer. The…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #277 Albert Henry Ross (1881-1950) was an enemy of the Christian faith and a skilled advertising man. He was also a gifted freelance writer. He was born and raised in the north of England at a time when the skepticism called liberal theology was gaining sway in many of the churches in the UK. Ross…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #276 Jimi Hendrix was the ultimate sixties counterculture rock star. His life story is like a thumbnail sketch of those tumultuous years. He was born in the Pacific northwest of the US yet came to fame in the heart of London. He was an army veteran and held some conservative views yet his songs…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #275 The journal, Science, wrote in its September 2013 issue about a set of gears found in the base of the hind legs of an insect. You read that right. There are a set of intermeshing gear teeth as part of the naturally occurring structure of an insect. An article titled Gear Up in the Perspective…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #274 The word 'liberal' means 'generous.' Unfortunately, the word 'liberal' is now a very loaded term with all kinds of theological and political baggage. For our purposes in this article, we'll define liberal as generosity to the poor and needy. By this definition of liberalism we can clearly see that the Bible is a very liberal…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #273 The year 2013 has been called the year of the comets since no less than three comets have been visible to the naked eye during the year. Each year dozens of new comets are discovered, though very few ever come close to being visible without a telescope. The year 2013's three unaidedly visible comets…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #272 Did you ever wonder why the major breakthroughs in science occurred in just the last 400 years? Ancient people had the same brain capacity as we do yet science stagnated for centuries. In this article we'll see why. Plato (c. 427 - c. 347 BC) and Aristotle (384 - 322 BC) are by far the…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #271 On July 15, 1942 six P-38 fighters and two B-17 bombers took off from a base in Greenland headed for England to join the war against Hitler. It was early in the war and they were desperately needed. They were scheduled to make a refueling stop in Iceland but a blizzard socked in that…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #270 The eighteenth century gave us the Enlightenment age of reason in which Hume, Voltaire and Kant theorized that absolute truth could be discovered by human thought unaided by revelation from God. The nineteenth century gave us Marx, Darwin, Nietzsche and Freud who did prodigious work to apply rationalism to try to find answers apart from God. …Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #269 According to Billy Herndon, Abraham Lincoln's last law partner, Lincoln came across a book by Constantin Francois Volney that challenged his faith in God. The book was the famous "Volney's Ruins," more properly titled "The Ruins, or, Meditation on the Revolutions of Empires: And the Law of Nature." The book attacked Christianity and blamed religion…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #268 In 2003, the mapping of the human genome (human DNA) was completed but the medical breakthroughs in treatment of disease promised by the genome project have been few. How could this be? We have the blueprints for the human body all spelled out. Although we have some new drugs and a few new genetic therapies…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #267 The most influential and important set of fossils in the world for the Darwinist is arguably the 47 bones of an apelike alleged human ancestor named Lucy. This is ironic because most of the evidence for discrediting Lucy has come from evolutionary paleontologists rather than creationists. More light was shed on Lucy when other…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #266 In 1986 I had the pleasure of touring Ernest Hemingway's Key West, Florida home. It was a gorgeous home just across the street from a lighthouse. I like old houses and this one was restored to perfection and was filled with Hemingway memorabilia. Being a writer, I think of Hemingway often. He is perhaps America's…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #265 We're closer to Jurassic Park. DNA has been found in dinosaur bones! While excavating a Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton from a cliff in the Hell's Creek formation in Northwestern Montana in 2000, Bob Harmon and his team of paleontologists did something unusual. They broke the T. Rex leg bone in two. They said they had to…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #264 The Roman General Pompey invaded Judea and sacked Jerusalem in 63 BC. He turned Judea into a client state of Rome. As a client state, Judea had some privileges of local control and rule by native kings. The Romans installed Hyrcanus as ethnarch (Greek for ruler of a nation) to wield power for Rome and…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #263 The Old Testament books of Isaiah and Daniel were favorite targets of the critics. This was probably because these two books in particular contain much predictive prophecy. They contain many messianic prophecies that were fulfilled in the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. Up until 1947, the earliest manuscripts that we had of Isaiah…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #262 Bill Gates has said that “DNA is like a computer program, but far, far more advanced than any software ever created.” As the science of genetics advances, the more it shows that the genome (DNA) is like God's signature in the cell. DNA, like a software program, contains reams of information. It even has its…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #261 A revolution is a successful rebellion. The rebellion of the 1960s brought radical changes that are now accepted in mainstream western culture. Perhaps the most radical was the 60s revolution rejection of the concept of moral absolutes and the embrace of moral relativism. The concept of moral absolutes is the claim that there are morals…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #260 The very fact that there are haunted houses, poltergeist activity and other paranormal phenomena is proof that there is a spirit world. The abundance of evidence proving the existence of the spirit world undermines the US public school teaching that human beings evolved from animals and the material world is all that exists. In the opening lines…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #259 Islam is a Christian heresy. That statement may seem strange to people who are used to regarding Islam as a "world religion" that is totally distinct from any other faith. The best scholarship acknowledges that Islam has its roots in its parent faiths of Judaism and Christianity. The Quran is chock full of references to…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #258 The Innocence Project and similar groups have used DNA evidence to exonerate and free many people wrongly convicted of crimes. More than 250 have had their convictions overturned since 1992, including more than a dozen that were on death row. The flip side of this is that DNA evidence has revolutionized law enforcement and has…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #257 UFOs are real but they are spiritual, not physical realities. The claim of abduction by aliens and being taken aboard a spacecraft is the strangest and most controversial of alleged experiences in the UFO spectrum. Abductions are called "close encounters of the fourth kind." Until the 1960s claims of being abducted by aliens and…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #256 Did you know that an article written in 1957 by a leading evolutionist essentially showed the impossibility of ape to human evolution? Haldane caused a great dilemma for evolutionists through his seminal article. The controversy continues to this day because even after more than fifty years of scientific progress, Haldane's dilemma has not been resolved.…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #255 One of the major shapers of the modern mind was the immensely influential German philosopher George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770 - 1831). Hegel was one of the great philosophical transmitters of the Enlightenment to the generations that followed. This article is concerned with Hegel's contribution to the rise of Totalitarianism as a form of government.…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #254 The ability of modern medicine to bring people back from the brink of death has resulted in literally millions of Americans claiming to have had near death experiences (NDEs). They claim to have seen a bright light at the end of a tunnel, rapid flashes of memories of events earlier in life, feelings of euphoria,…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #253 A TV show about UFOs opens with a dramatic animation of an alleged UFO crash into a windmill on a farm in Aurora Texas way back in April, 1897. The crash is called "Texas's Roswell" and the show presents sober faced experts who buy into it being the crash of a spaceship from another planet.…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #252 The "Ancient Aliens" series of TV shows on the History Channel unfortunately promotes the ancient astronaut teachings of Erich Von Daniken. The major tenets of the ancient astronaut theory is the claim that astronauts in space ships from planets in distant star systems visited earth in ancient times and profoundly influenced ancient history. Much of…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #251 When does America stop being America? When does a government stop being a government and start being nothing more than a band of thieves, murderers and tyrants? Our forefathers decided in 1776 that the British government over the colonies had so devolved into tyranny, that rebellion against it was not sin. In 1776 the Bible…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #250 By 1900, science had told society's upper crust that humans evolved from pond scum. Science said that soul and spirit were beyond the reach of science, so they must not exist. No celestial lawgiver; no accountability to God; no conscious existence after death. As John Lennon would, many years later, sing: "Imagine there's no heaven…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #249 Jacques Derrida's postmodernist philosophy of Deconstruction is having a profound influence on politics, culture and commerce. Deconstruction is a form of literary analysis that has gone far from the ivory tower of mere discussion and has filtered down into every aspect of our society. Deconstruction is a method of dissecting and understanding any literary text,…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #248 We all know that during the feast of Pentecost after the death and resurrection of Jesus, the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples with supernatural manifestations as they waited in the Jewish Temple at Jerusalem. Did you know that a generation later, around 70 AD, there was a departure from the Temple which was also…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #247 The Discovery Institute has a website (www.dissentfromdarwin.org) where scientists who reject Darwinism can sign a statement that reads "We are skeptical of the claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life. Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged." Over 800 scientists…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #245 Pliny the Younger gave us the only surviving eyewitness account of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD. The volcano obliterated the city of Pompeii. One of the features of the Vesuvian eruption was pyroclastic flows in which huge clouds of thick, red hot ash, thousands of degrees in temperature rushed down the mountainside…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #243 In my recent article titled The Worst German Victory of World War II, I described how the philosophy that gave rise to nazism went on to become the dominant philosophy of the western democracies. In that article I showed that nazism was based on postmodern philosophy and that postmodernism is based on atheistic materialism and…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #242 The discovery of a clearly defined set of dinosaur footprints preserved in an exposed layer of dolomite near the village of Beit Zeit, west of Jerusalem in Israel poses unique problems for old earth evolutionists. The fact that the footprints are preserved in dolomite is particularly intriguing. Dolomite is carbonate rock chemically similar to limestone.…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #241 Of the more than 300 prophecies in the Old Testament that predict the coming of the Messiah very few actually use the word "Messiah" or "anointed one" [Hebrew: "mashiach"]. Most of the prophecies speak of the Messiah in figurative or metaphorical terms. Even fewer prophecies give any hint of the time of the coming of…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #240 The History Channel in its "Ancient Aliens" TV series has given a sympathetic portrayal of the ancient astronauts theory. The ancient astronauts theory is the very bold claim that UFOs containing astronauts from other planets visited and profoundly influenced ancient civilizations. This theory is not generally accepted by archaeologists and historians. Some of the theorists…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #239 The History Channel has recently aired and re-aired a series of shows called "Ancient Aliens." In this TV series, Erich Von Daniken, David Childress, Georgio Tsoukalos and others present their claims that ancient space travelers influenced early civilizations. To be fair, the series does present at least some dissenting voices such as that of archaeologist…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #238 Perhaps the world's leading UFO researcher is the French born Jacques Fabrice Vallee (1939- ). He holds degrees in mathematics and astrophysics from the Sorbonne in Paris and the University of Lille respectively. He has lived and worked in the US since 1962. He's made impressive contributions to both high tech computer science and astronomy.…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #237 The ancient Roman Empire was famous for its roads. The ancient Romans built over 250,000 miles of roads, including over 50,000 miles of paved roads. The first paved road was the Via Appia or Appian Way which went from Rome to Apulia in southern Italy. This article concerns a message often compared to the Roman…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #236 The major media largely ignored the fact that James Lee, the hostage taker who invaded the Discovery Channel's Bethesda Maryland offices on September 1st 2010, had Darwinian evolutionist motives. Since the prevailing culture in the media is secularism, perhaps they didn't wish to defame Darwinism. Darwinism is the origins myth of secularism. The blogosphere has…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #235 Epistemology is the branch of philosophy which deals with knowledge. Epistemology is the analysis of the certainty of what we claim as truth. Many brilliant philosophers have spent lengthy careers defining knowledge and certainty. How can you be sure of what you believe? What is really, actually, literally true? Your beliefs, in a sense, rule…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #234 You're out for a walk and happen to find a deck of playing cards by the side of the path. You flip through the cards and notice that they're all in numerical order by suit. In other words the diamonds are in order from 2 through 10 and Jack to Ace and…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #233 The word "Messiah" is the anglicized form of the Hebrew word"Mashiyach." The word "Christ" is synonymous with "Messiah" and means "anointed." Messiah is a title that was commonly used in the Old Testament when referring to royalty. King David even referred to king Saul as the Lord's messiah in First Samuel 24:10. The rabbis acknowledge…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #232 The very first person to see the resurrected Christ was Mary Magdalene (John 20:16). She was also the only person recorded in scripture to witness all three of the major events of the final days of the first advent which were the crucifixion, the burial and theresurrection of Christ. Her name heads the list of…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #231 Every person has a deep unrelenting need to commit one's self to something larger than self. In virtually all societies throughout history this thing larger than self has had to do with the unifyingmyths of the culture. Every society has had an origins myth and adestiny myth. The myths were regarded as sacred truth. Western…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #230 Carl Sagan, the famous astronomer and cosmologist, often invoked the phrase “billions and billions of years” when he claimed that evolution had enough time to work. Random collisions of atoms in a primordial warm little pond was supposed to produce the first living cell if simply given enough time. The formation of life…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #229 Over 500 years before the birth of Christ a predictive prophecy was given that foretold the exact time of Christ's death. This prophecy is contained in the ninth chapter of the Old Testament book of Daniel. The Old Testament contains over 300 prophecies of the birth, ministry, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus the…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #228 Eight PhD scientists joined together in 1997 to study the radioisotope evidence for the age of the earth. They were called the RATE group (Radioisotopes and the Age of The Earth). They spent eight years on the project. They studied many radioisotopic dating methods including carbon 14.* You may remember the…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #227 In postmodern western civilization most people claim to be free thinkers yet are enslaved to the ideas of four men who rule the world from the grave. The four men are Charles Darwin (1809 - 1882), Karl Marx (1818 - 1883), Friedrich Nietzsche (1844 - 1900) and Sigmund Freud (1856 - 1939). These four men…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #226 Anyone who has been exposed to the teaching of evolution has heard of the Cambrian Explosion of fossils. The evolutionists call it an "explosion" of fossils because so many fossils appear so abruptly in the geologic column. The Cambrian rock layers are among the lowest and "oldest" layers in the geologic column yet are extremely…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #225 World War II is called "World War" because of its worldwide geographic extent and this is perhaps the least imaginative and least instructive basis to name a war. The Second World War was a teachable moment in a multitude of ways and we should draw as much of a lesson as possible from this…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #224 One of the more grandiose claims of secularists is the assertion that evolution is "the basis of all science." Evolutionists claim that it is impossible to do meaningful research in biology, chemistry, geology and other fields without evolution as a backdrop. The Darwinists claim that evolution "joins all the sciences together." This is why secularists…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #223 Gay marriage is one of the most controversial issues of our time and to ignore it is an act of political and ethical cowardice. Gay marriage is much more than just a redefinition of the whole concept of marriage - important as that is. Gay marriage is a watershed of unimaginable consequences. To legalize gay…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #222 The French Revolution was the result of a culmination of ideas. Philosophers introduced new ideas to the literate elite. The elite put those ideas into motion. It resulted in a period of radical social upheaval and genocide that changed the course of civilization. The mass murders and guillotining of people in the Vendee district of…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #221 The Talmud is a large book of ancient writings of the Jewish people. It has enormous authority in traditional Orthodox Judaism. It's an extensive collection of the teachings of the ancient Jewish Rabbis. The Talmud consists of the Mishnah (the oral law) and the Gemara (commentary on the oral law). The Talmud is not an inspired writing…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #220 Nihilism is the zero point. Nihilism is the philosophical idea that nothing matters. The only logical course of action that flows from nihilism is apathy. I will show in this article that an implicit nihilism has crept into the philosophical underpinnings of contemporary western culture. It has to do with the embrace ofSecular Humanism by…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #219 The true story is told of an astronomer who began a new direction in life when he observed a total eclipse of the sun. He became fascinated with the fact that the moon perfectly covered the sun during the eclipse so that the sun's corona could be studied apart from the glare of full sunlight. The…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #218 The colorful rock layers so clearly visible in the walls of the Grand Canyon of northern Arizona in the USA are like the pages of a textbook.. The Grand Canyon textbook gives abundant evidence that it was formed rapidly during a worldwide flood during which time planet earth was convulsed by intense volcanic activity and…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #217 The rhetoric between atheists and Christians has become increasingly heated in recent years. In spite of this, I will show you how atheists secretly agree with an important part of the Christian viewpoint. I will also show how we can build from this common ground and win atheists over to the Christian faith. Actually I would never claim credit…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #216 New York University psychology professor Paul C. Vitz has taken a close look at the life stories of prominent atheists and found a common thread of fatherlessness. His book, Faith of the Fatherless - the Psychology of Atheism gives a poignant look at the often tragic upbringings of the leaders of intellectual and political atheism. …Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #215 “Ye have heard that antichrist shall come . . .” (I John 2:18.) There are several prophecies in the New Testament that predict that in the end times just before the second coming of Christ there shall be a falling away from the Christian faith and the rise of a great dictatorial political…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #214 In this time of energy crisis it will be useful to take a look at how oil formed. Any petroleum geologist will tell you that oil formed in deep sedimentary rock and then migrated upward to a different layer of porous sedimentary rock called reservoir rock. Sedimentary rock, as its name suggests, was formed…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #213 There are hundreds of faiths and philosophies competing for the hearts and minds of people. Which one holds the answers for eternity? The politically correct notion that all faiths are equally true is absurd because all faiths and philosophies contradict each other at their core. The laws of logic tell us that two contradictory…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #212 The story is told of an incident in the life of Napoleon Bonaparte during one of his military campaigns. Someone asked Napoleon if he knew of any evidence that proved that God exists. (Atheism and skepticism were major issues among French philosophers of the time.) Napoleon is reported to have pointed to a Jew…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #211 In this presidential election year in the US it will be helpful and entertaining to take a look at the dominant political ideology of our time. The dominant political ideology is liberalism. Liberal politics is directly derived from its philosophical and religious roots. Moreover, I will show you that liberal politics is self-refuting. If…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #210 Any introductory college course in philosophy will at some point discuss what is commonly referred to as the "Inconsistent" Triad (IT). The IT consists of three statements that appear to be inconsistent with each other but the degree of consistency or alleged nonconsistency is the subject of many lively classroom debates. The three points of…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #209 There's a popular expression that goes "God don't make no junk." Yet in the early days of the Human Genome Project, which was the effort by geneticists to sequence human DNA, there was much talk about "junk" DNA. Junk DNA are the pseudo genes and many other types of genetic structures that were thought to…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #208 Here I go again putting forward some more evidence that the earth was created less than 10,000 years ago! There are many proofs for a young age of earth but one of my favorites has to do with the steady, measurable, decay rate of the earth's magnetic field. It has been calculated that the…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #207 The age of reason gave way to the age of emotion. The optimism of the modern philosophers gave way to the pessimism of the postmodern philosophers. Modernism is the idea that ultimate truth and absolute morality can be discovered by rational thought. (Absolute morals are morals that apply to all people across all cultures at…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #206 If you've looked over the best seller lists recently you may have noticed two new books that champion the cause of atheism. One is by the Englishman, Richard Dawkins and the other, titled Letter to a Christian Nation is by the American, Sam Harris. I didn't give the title of Dawkins' book because the…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #205 There are some things that Christianity has that no other faith has. These things are not only unique but the supernatural nature of some of them prove beyond all doubt that Christianity is true and is in fact the one true religion. 1) Fulfilled prophecies: The Bible contains more than 2,000 predictive prophecies that have…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #204 Who's turning the clock back? Is it conservatives who long for the 1950s or is it the secular progressives who want to turn the clock back all the way to the pagan societies of ancient Greece and Rome? America has always been a liberal progressive society. (I use the word "liberal" in the classic…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #203 Most of us are familiar with the occasional reports in newspapers and over the Internet that tell of blood remnants and soft tissue being found in dinosaur bones. These reports are not mere speculation but are based on genuine findings that are reported by mainstream scientists. The reports go on to mention that the scientists were surprised to…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #202 In 1856 in Germany's Neander Valley (Neandertal in German) some ancient bones were discovered that differed slightly from modern humans. Since then the bones of more than 490 individual Neandertals have been recovered together with their artifacts. Evolutionists early on succumbed to the temptation to classify them as a missing link despite the fact…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #201 The Humanist Manifesto of 1933 was signed by the famous educator John Dewey and R. Lester Mondale (elder half brother of former U.S. VP Walter Mondale) and several dozen academics. This document openly claims that a human being no conscious existence after death. They basically claimed that there is no hope for…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #200 The most common topic I've dealt with in 200 DTF articles has been Darwinian evolution. Darwinian evolution with its implicit atheism is far and away the gravest assault on the Christian faith. Darwinism has caused the secularization of society and has brought about the collapse of morals. German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1844 - 1900) was…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #199 Secularists claim that they rely on science and reason to support their beliefs. Many vocal secularists claim that Christians rely on blind faith and believe things contrary to science. This is a gross misunderstanding of the underpinnings of Christian belief. The fact is SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE AGREE! Christianity is a faith. We openly…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #198 If you haven't heard of "Evo Devo" you soon will. It's the newest thing among evolutionists that they use to prop up evolution. "Evo Devo" is the abbreviated form of "Evolutionary Developmental Biology" which is such a sharp departure from Darwinism that it is being called the "third wave" of evolution. Evo Devo deals…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #197 Socrates (ca. 470-399 BC) is not just another "dead white male" despised by our university elite but a man whose philosophical breakthroughs reverberate down through the centuries and profoundly affect us today. Athens in the fifth century BC was the age of Pericles. The grandiose construction projects undertaken by Pericles such as the Parthenon…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #196 Einstein's theory of general relativity and the theory of quantum mechanics are two widely accepted and experimentally verified theories of physics. There's only one problem. They contradict each other! General relativity deals with physics on the macro scale of massive gravitational fields warping the space-time continuum. Quantum mechanics is useful in the description of…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #195 A young college woman sits down at her desk on the first day of a course on comparative religion. She thinks it's a good deal. She gets college credit for a casual review of her own Christian faith and gets to learn about other world religions. The professor enters the room fashionably late. He's…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #194 Austin H. Clark (1880-1954) was a respected Darwinian evolutionist on staff at the Smithsonian Institution. He was the Carl Sagan of his generation, arguably the most respected evolutionist of his time. He was a prolific writer who wrote articles and books in five languages. He was a staunch and articulate defender of evolution yet concealed the…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #193 I don't want to bore you with another long list of historical inaccuracies and fabrications contained in the recent book, The Da Vinci Code. Lee Strobel, Paul Meier and other Christian scholars with stronger minds than mine have already done so. Let me share with you a quirky perspective on this that I hope you'll find interesting.…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #192 1. The impossibility of spontaneous generation falsifies evolution. Atheistic evolution asserts that the first living cell was formed by the random collisions of atoms in the primordial soup. Stanley Miller stunned the world in the early 1950s when he produced amino acids from methane and other gases. Miller's further experiments and those of others…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #191 Global warming is in the news every day. The fact of global warming is undeniable. The polar ice caps are melting at an alarming rate. The only controversy is over the cause of global warming. The Evangelical Climate Initiative is an effort by conservative Christians to address environmental issues related to global warming. Having…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #190 Evolutionists think they have a new wedge in their losing battle to buttress the crumbling Darwinian theory. There's a lot at stake in this battle. Evolution is the origins myth of secular humanism. Evolution is the foundation of postmodernism's denial of God and its promotion of the culture of death. Evolution apologists have latched on…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #189 A wise man from Wales named Arthur Burt once said "You've got to own it before you can disown it." One of the major things that distinguishes Christianity from manmade religion is that Christianity maintains that all people are born sinners. This puts Christianity out of step with our postmodern 'feel good about yourself,'…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #188 We often think of Mao Tse-Tung as a champion of Marxism but in this article I'll point out that Mao's reign of mass murder and despotism owes more to Darwin than Marx. To begin let me say that Darwinism was and remains the great underpinning of atheism. There were atheists before Darwin such as British philosopher Thomas…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #187 Skeptics who deny Christianity criticize us for relying on faith to know things that happened long ago. However, all people of all religious and nonreligious persuasions rely on faith more than they might readily admit. There are many things that are known by faith. Almost every event in history is known by faith. 'Faith'…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #186 Herbert George (H. G.) Wells (1866-1946) was one of the most brilliant yet ardently racist minds produced during the early years of the promotion of Darwin's theory of evolution. Most of us are familiar with the name H. G. Wells in association with his famous book Outline of History (1920) which is still in print.…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #185 I saw on the news on Wednesday, Nov. 23, 2005, crews of workers still searching for bodies in the lower 9th ward of New Orleans. The body count is 1,324. They're still searching nearly 3 months after Katrina hit. Over 4,000 people are still unaccounted for. The inevitable question that is asked of Bible…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #184 This Defending the Faith article consists largely of a guest article by an Internet debater who gives a very clear explanation of the case for intelligent design by discussing the specified complexity of the DNA contained in every cell of every living thing. He gives a good, easy to grasp explanation of the specified complexity of…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #182 National Geographic Magazine is a major bastion of evolution and so their frank admission of being duped by a fabricated fossil is noteworthy. The idea that dinosaurs evolved into birds has long been promoted by National Geographic and also by NatureMagazine, another institution of establishment evolutionism. The evidence for their highly speculative 'dino-to-birds' theory has…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #181 The thousand year period from 500 AD to 1500 AD has been called "Medieval Times" or "the Dark Ages." The term "Dark Ages" was originally used to describe the architecture of the period and not used as a general term to describe all aspects of medieval civilization. The middle ages were anything but dark…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #180 The intelligent design versus evolution debate has taken center stage in our national discussion lately. The August 15 '05 issue ofTime magazine and the May 29 '05 issue of New Yorkermagazine have feature articles on Intelligent Design (ID). President Bush has publicly stated that he supports the teaching of ID in public schools. Even columnist George…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #217 The professor enters the classroom and glances at the students of his sociology 101 class. He is casually dressed and sports a speckled gray beard and a pony tail that requires every strand of hair on his balding head. He has every mark of 60's chic. Since it's the first day of class the students expect to hear a…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #178 We are all familiar with statements in the popular media that describe rock formations as being 10 million, 100 million or even one billion years old. The old age - multibillion year - view of earth's chronology is the dominant view in geology but a distressingly persuasive 'mountain' of evidence is pointing to a much younger age of…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #177 The Marquis de Sade (full name: Compte Donatien Alphonse Francois de Sade) (1740 - 1814) was a famous French atheist and writer. He spent 27 years of his adult life in the prisons and insane asylums of the French monarchy, the French Republic, therevolutionary terror and Napoleonic Imperial France. In short, his sexual perversion…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #176 What does an atheist do when he sees convincing scientific proof that evolution could not have given rise to life in all its varied forms? Does he "get religion?" Or does he continue his denial of God and search for another naturalistic explanation for life? Where is the last refuge of the damned? Perhaps it's a bizarre new idea called Complexity…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #175 A general consensus has emerged among serious, science oriented UFO researchers that a certain small percentage of UFOs are real and are not figments of anyone's imagination. Furthermore, it is well known that many individuals claim to receive messages from alleged extra-terrestials aboard UFOs. The messages received from UFOs are generally occultic and steer people…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #174 For a substantial period of their history the ancient Greeks had no written law. All of the laws were memorized and passed down orally from generation to generation. The ancient Greeks believed that any man who required written laws was a man who lacked integrity. Other ancient civilizations conducted business without written agreement solely on…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #173 The term 'genocide' prompts thoughts of Auschwitz and the mass murder of millions of Jews and Gypsies during World War II. A careful historical study of genocide reveals that the holocaust of World War II was by no means the only example of mass murder of members of a particular ethnic or religious group. The…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #172 Creationists have long claimed that the various natural clocks, when properly understood and calibrated, give evidence for a young age of planet earth. This is especially true of the widely utilized carbon 14 dating method. You may remember from your high school biology class that carbon 14 is the radioactive cousin of the stable carbon…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #216 A popular line of attack against the Christian Faith is to compare Christianity to ancient pagan myths and then claim that the early Christians "borrowed" elements of the myths to compose the Gospel story. These critics study a wide variety of myths and then point to leading characters in the myths and try to find parallels with…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #170 One of Hollywood's most noble efforts at portraying the disastrous consequences of evil ideas was the film The Killing Fields, made in 1984. It is based on the true story of New York Times reporter Sydney Schanberg and his Cambodian interpreter Dith Pran. Schanberg and Pran were separated during the chaos that followed the…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #168 The best evidence for the divine inspiration of the Bible are the many hundreds of predictive prophecies contained in its pages. Let's focus in on the very best of the best of the Bible's predictive prophecies in order to understand this supernatural proof in a clear way. In this article we will take a…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #167 People are always very curious about the future. We all want to know in advance what the future holds. This is one reason why Bible prophecy is such a fascinating subject. Before I delve into a discussion of what the Bible says will happen in the future let me first give a quick lesson…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #166 In this Christmas season as we celebrate the birth of Christ we may pause to reflect on the doctrine of the incarnation. The incarnation is the Bible's teaching that God became man. God took on a literal flesh and blood body in the person of His Son Jesus Christ. Christ is one in essence with the…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #165 Please bear with me as I send you yet another article countering evolution. I feel that I must do this because evolution, like no other thought system, attempts to explain the origin, development and purpose of life by natural processes alone. Evolution is the very taproot of unbelief and is the engine of secularization.…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #164 On a Friday in mid March 1621 the Pilgrims received an unexpected visitor. His name was Samoset, an Algonquin Indian from Maine who spoke broken English he had learned from British fishermen. His first question was "Do you have any beer?" Samoset was given food and drink and soon left. He returned the following Thursday with…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #163 The letter below is the text of an email I sent to a defender of evolution who had responded harshly to an article I posted to a creation versus evolution debate group. Debates with evolutionists over the Internet can be very lively and freewheeling. It is best to stick with tightly reasoned, concise arguments and be…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #162 Those who attack creationism will often say something like this:"I agree that single-celled life forms such as bacteria are so immensely complex that they must have been made by an intelligent designer but this intelligent designer must be more complex than a cell, so who designed him?" In using this "who created the Creator?" argument they attempt to undermine…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #161 Those who believe in a multi-billion year age of planet earth point to the absence of certain radioactive isotopes as perhaps their strongest evidence for old earth. Let me briefly explain this line of reasoning for the nonscientist. According to astronomers, when stars like our sun form there are large quantities of unstable atoms present. These unstable atoms are…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #160 Potatoes were introduced into Europe from South America in the 1500s by the Spanish. By the 19th century, potatoes had become the staple crop of millions of Irish farmers. Through selective breeding, a variety of potato called the "Lumper" was produced. This variety yielded more calories per acre than any other crop. Evolutionary ideas…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #159 It is an exciting age in which we live because as science progresses more evidence emerges to prove the young age of the Solar System and the lack of sufficient time for gradual, atheistic evolution. One evidence for the young age of the solar system is the magnetic field of the planet Mercury. Mercury is the densest…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #158 It is not uncommon for secularists to attack the credibility of the Bible by citing social science studies that on the surface seem to contradict the Bible's teachings. It's a familiar refrain for a debater to exclaim "studies have shown thus and so!" In this article we shall see that social science is a…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #157 So great was the impact of Thomas Aquinas on the medieval church that his philosophy is called simply "Thomism." Writers don't even have to bother to use his surname when referring to his work. Thomas Aquinas was born in Aquino Italy in 1225 and entered the Abbey at Monte Cassino at age five. He was…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #156 "Something wicked this way comes" is a line from act IV of Macbeth but it could also have application to our own times. The Bible predicts future events. Bible prophecies are being fulfilled in our own time. One of the main proofs of the divine inspiration of the Bible is predictive prophecy. The…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #155 Some time ago I read an interesting article that said that the fascism of Hitler and Mussolini was no flash in the pan and that fascism is still with us. One manifestation of fascism was destroyed in World War II but the philosophical underpinnings of fascism remain in place. Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) is called…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #154 It is vital for us to understand existentialism which is the principle ethical outflow of atheism and the dominant philosophy of our times. It is a direct challenge to Judeo-Christian morality. Down through the centuries Christian and Jewish philosophers believed that absolute truth was given by revelation from God in the form of the Ten…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #153 It's hard to overestimate the impact of the binding of Isaac on Jewish thought and literature. Jewish writings, be they ancient, medieval or modern, contain frequent references to Abraham's binding and near sacrifice of his son Isaac which is recorded in the 22nd chapter of Genesis. Jewish writers bring out many deep…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #152 The New Testament contains many quotations of Old Testament passages. This is to be expected since many of the events described in the New Testament are in direct fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies. When one examines a New Testament quotation of an Old Testament passage and then flips over to the Old Testament itself…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #151 I was amused recently when I read a deeply flawed attack on the young age of planet earth. The article attacked the creationist position that the decay rate of the earth's magnetic field indicates a recent creation of planet earth. Like many such attacks this one would sound convincing to the casual observer but a scholarly analysis would…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #150 When I was a senior in high school the teacher of my humanities class said that when we study different cultures we must remember that no culture is morally superior to any other culture. The above statement is a classic statement of moral relativism. Moral relativism is the claim that morals are not fixed…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #149 While much evidence for the necessity of an intelligent designer can be readily seen in the microscopic world of the awesome complexity of single celled life in this article we will shift focus away from the micro world to the macro realm of the universe. The solar system and indeed the universe itself seems…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #148 Atheistic evolutionists are becoming increasingly aware of the awesome complexity of the information encoded in the DNA of single celled organisms such as bacteria. In order to maintain their atheistic views, evolutionists must find some way to demonstrate that blind chance can generate biochemical information. In this article we'll take a look at an attempt to…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #147 Recently a person with some background in genetics and plant breeding claimed that new flower colors are the result of random genetic mutations that add new biochemical information to the DNA molecule. Donald Batten, Ph. D. responded to this claim with a penetrating analysis of the biochemical information content of DNA and its response to…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #146 Betty Frieden is said to have pulled the trigger on history with the publication of her book The Feminine Mystique in 1963. The book helped launch the Women's Liberation Movement of the 1960s which sought to liberate women from traditional family responsibilities and encourage them to work outside the home. The movement later dropped…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #145 Maurice S. Rawlings M.D., a prominent cardiologist, wrote a book titled To Hell and Back. It is subtitled: Life After Death: Startling New Evidence. In it he records the experiences of people who saw glimpses of hell during cardiac arrest. There are many books about near death experiences but most tend to emphasize positive experiences…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #144 In 1991 there was much excitement over the possibility that homosexuality was an inborn and unchangeable trait. That year Salk Institute researcher Dr. Simon Le Vay, himself a homosexual, published a study in the journal Science showing slight brain structure differences in a small sample of brains from gay and straight men. Dr. Le Vay…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #143 Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677) was a Dutch Jew born in Amsterdam. He is often referred to by the Latin version of his name: Benedict de Spinoza. Early in life he acquired a deep interest in the philosophy of Rene Descartes and other ideas that conflicted with Judaism. He was formally excommunicated from his Synagogue at the…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #142 Since the recent mapping of the human genome (DNA) many evolutionists have claimed that human DNA is 96% or more similar to that of a chimpanzee. Even if one were to generously grant that the similarity is 98%, and that human DNA contains 1 billion base pairs, that still means that humans and chimps have 20 million base pairs that are different.…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #141 Some people like to tell lawyer jokes. Lawyers are one of the few groups that can be put down publicly in our politically correct age. That's unfortunate because, as the saying goes: "nobody likes a lawyer until you need one." One lawyer that America needed was Lewis Wallace (1827-1905). In addition to his lawyering he…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #140 The Judeo-Christian view of morality, which is the very foundation of the laws of western civilization, has recently been the subject of some rather cruel satire. Dr. Laura Schlesinger recently made reference to the fact that the Bible forbids homosexual relations. Dr. Laura has been criticized for her stand by those who promote special legal protection for homosexual…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #139 The CAT scan has not only revolutionized diagnostic medicine but in a way has also revolutionized the study of fossil skulls. Dr. Fred Spoor, Anatomist at University College, London and joint editor of the Journal of Human Evolution has done CAT scans of many fossil skulls put forward by paleoanthropologists as potential human ancestors. In addition to…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #138 Michael Behe, Ph. D., professor of biochemistry at Lehigh University and author of Darwin's Black Box has lectured on the fact that single celled organisms such as bacteria are not only complex but their complexity is irreducible. Irreducible complexity means that if just one component of a complex system is missing then that system is nonfunctional. Dr.…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #137 I recently viewed the film The Passion of the Christ and I highly recommend that all people (except very young or sensitive children) see it. The realism down to the Latin speaking soldiers with rotten teeth gives an air of such authenticity that you feel that you're actually there. The special effects of the…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #136 The Da Vinci Code, a best selling novel, has garnered a great deal of attention in recent days. The story line consists of medieval theories, legends and lore woven into a postmodern thriller novel with political overtones. The novel also makes some very serious direct attacks on the Christian faith. Let me emphasize the…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #135 The auditorium was packed for the annual Ultimate Meaning of Life Debate at a midwestern college. This year the debate was between a philosophy professor and a Christian minister. At this time in the debate it's the professor's turn to confront the minister with a difficult question, a question that the professor hopes the…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #134 "Don't impose your beliefs on me!" This is the cry of those who object to any discussion of God's standards of right and wrong. Of course it should be obvious that any private conversation or privately funded broadcast or publication is not an "imposition." The real imposition of viewpoints that goes on in today's…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #133 The road markers describing the formation of the petrified trees at Specimen Ridge in Yellowstone National Park in western US have been changed. The new markers describe a rapid burial and petrifaction of the trees that is more compatible with a young age of planet earth. The change was prompted by evidence from the…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #132 I recently heard a radio commentator discuss why Islam is spreading so quickly and gaining so many converts. He said that the main reason for the rapid spread of Islam is the simplicity of its salvation message. The salvation message of Islam basically states that a person earns the right to enter paradise (heaven)…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #131 The first horror novel ever written, which inaugurated this new genre, is the famous novel Frankenstein published in 1817. It was written by Mary Shelly (1797-1851). One line in this book is perhaps the most poignant line in all of horror fiction and perhaps in all fiction in general. The monster, as he is being…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #130 The Gospels record that women were the first to see the empty tomb and the resurrected Christ. From the days of the early church, women have been involved in evangelism and other aspects of ministry. (Evangelism is the ministry of proclaiming the good news of forgiveness of sins through Christ who died for…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #129 The Bible contains many profound words and glorious promises. It also contains some sad words too. It may come as a shock but I must tell you that the saddest words of all were spoken by Jesus. Jesus spoke them in love. He had to speak them. I have often wondered why the most…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #128 Rocks from a lava flow in Hawaii, known to have formed a little over 200 years ago in 1800-1801 were nonetheless dated by a variety of radiometric methods and given 12 possible ages ranging from 140 million to 2.96 billion years!!! (See Funkhouser and Naughton, "Radiogenic Helium and Argon in Ultramafic Inclusions from Hawaii"…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #127 Justin Martyr (c. 100-165 AD) born of nonchristian parents in what is now Israel was converted out of Platonism to Christianity largely because he learned about the Old Testament prophecies that were fulfilled in Jesus Christ. The supernatural witness of predictive Bible prophecies were crucial in the conversion of Justin Martyr. He went about…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #126 On a recent radio broadcast an evolutionist college professor was being interviewed about creation science. It was an interesting interview in which the professor, who believed in atheistic materialism, deflected questions with humor, bluster and unfortunately — very little substance. It got especially interesting when a student asked the professor how the first…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #125 I do not mean to disparage liberal Christians in a personal way in this article. I will simply deal with theological differences in a scholarly tone. Liberal theologians have not been bashful about speaking against Bible based conservative theology. This article is simply a thoughtful and hopefully interesting look at the core of liberal theology.…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #124 What follows is a lively debate at a college near you: The atheist debater was definitely a product of the sixties. His bushy hair was speckled gray as was his full beard. His affable mannerisms concealed a sharply honed wit and professorial style by which he argued the case for evolution and atheism. At…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #123 Evolutionists claim that whales evolved from a doglike creature that dwelt on land. They have put forward an alleged transitional form called "Ambulocetus" based on a few bones and fragments found in Pakistan. An article titled A Whale of a Tale? in Creation Ex Nihilo Technical Journal 8(1):2-3, 1994 exposes the falsity and hollowness…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #122 In the early fifties the news flashed around the world that Stanley Miller Ph. D. had formed amino acids (the building blocks of proteins) by shooting electricity through a simulated early earth atmosphere. This was a bold attempt to try to prove that single-celled organisms such as bacteria could form by random interaction of…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #121 The recent dust up over remarks made by General Boykin, a committed Christian, reveals much about the secular grasp for power in American society. General Boykin is in charge of hunting down Osama Bin Laden and other major enemies of the United States. A Los Angeles Times reporter wrote a highly critical piece about…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #120 Several years ago at a Full Gospel Business Men's fellowship meeting in Mount Kisco New York, a man walked in carrying a full body brace. He introduced himself as Ralph Anderson and I recognized the name immediately. I had heard Ralph on the radio sharing how he was instantly, miraculously healed of severe…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #119 We are inclined to think that people hold opinions on important matters solely because of a rational examination of the facts. The field of psychology, however, has long shown us that people make an emotional and philosophical attachment to their opinions as well. It is for this reason that many people are not persuaded…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #118 Secularism is based on naturalism (atheistic materialism) and there is no moral code in nature. If a lion kills a zebra it's not murder. If a lion kills another lion there is no moral question. It is simply nonmoral beasts destroying one another. The strong prevail. It's Kill or be killed. If human beings…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #117 Genesis chapters seven and eight give us the record of Noah's flood. The geological, archaeological and zoogeographical evidence strongly confirms that this was an actual historical event. In this article we shall examine the hemispherical flood model put forward by Gerald E. Aardsma Ph. D. Dr. Aardsma holds his Ph. D. in nuclear physics with…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #116 Nobody could believe how fast American society changed. It was like a blur, like a dream in the night. On September 6, 2033 (thirty years to the day from when I write these words) we look at an America vastly transformed in one generation into the society that our maniacal, skeptical, atheistic, materialistic elite…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #115 Front and center in the culture wars these days is the matter of gay marriage. I don't bring up this topic to be unkind and I'm certainly not motivated by hate. I'm motivated by Christian love to warn people about something that is of great danger to them, their children and society at large.…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #114 It's been splashed all over the news recently that the actor Mel Gibson (of Braveheart fame) is producing a movie about the trial and crucifixion of Jesus Christ. There were complaints from a number of individuals and organizations that the movie depicted the Jews as responsible for the death of Jesus Christ. The movie…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #113 In studying the theory of evolution one is soon confronted with the concept of micro-evolution. Micro-evolution is the small observed changes in the gene pools of species of living organisms. The interbreeding of varieties of dogs to produce a new breed is an example of micro-evolution. Cattle breeders and hog breeders use the same…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #112 In 80 AD at the opening day of the Coliseum in Rome, gladiatorial contests resulted in the deaths of untold numbers of gladiators and wild beasts. The early church leader Tertullian (c. 160 AD - 220 AD) condemned gladiatorial contests. He urged Christians not to attend such spectacles. Other Christian leaders did likewise. Centuries…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #111 Influential Christian scholar R. C. Sproul writes of the philosopher Immanuel Kant: "The philosophical revolution created by Kant may have had a greater impact than the Copernican revolution in science and more far-reaching consequences than the American Revolution in politics" (from The Consequences of Ideas by R.C. Sproul, page 117). Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) was…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #110 The subject of our discussion today concerns a fictional ship designer named Larry who is working on a top secret project for Northrop Grumman, the principle builder of warships for the US Navy. In his office at the Northrop Grumman subsidiary in Newport News Virginia, Larry was experimenting on how to rapidly modify the…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #109 On June 26, 2000, Peter Jennings (of ABC News) hosted a TV show in prime time titled Peter Jennings Reporting: The Search For Jesus. The two hour show consisted in part of Mr. Jennings interviewing John Dominic Crossan, Robert Funk and Marcus Borg of an organization called the "Jesus Seminar." The Jesus Seminar is…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #108 A common line of attack against Christianity is to say that the early church "borrowed" the story of the resurrection of Christ from ancient mystery religions or other ancient cults. In this article I will expose the absurdity of this claim. The mystery religions of the ancient Greco-Roman world were based on myths that were stories…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #107 Many of us have seen the bumper sticker which says "My Carma Ran Over Your Dogma." The interpretation of the bumper sticker is that it claims that the Hindu concept of carma (correct spelling: karma) is replacing Christian dogma in western civilization. New Age religions and Buddhism, so popular in the West, are derived…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #106 If you look at a hundred dollar bill under a magnifying glass you will notice printed features on the bill that are not noticeable at a casual glance. There are features such as microprinting and watermarks that would be virtually impossible for a counterfeiter to reproduce. It should come as no surprise that the…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #105 There are many small deviant religious groups that make truth claims but these truth claims are not backed up by rational evidence. Christianity by contrast is a rational faith backed by rational evidence for the mind so that the heart can respond by faith. To look at an example of a truth claim not…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #104 Is it better to be a live dog or a dead lion? The Bible gives the answer to the above question and it will be stated at the end of this article. First we will discuss the famous play Faust and its allegorical meaning for our time. Faust was written by Johann Wolfgang von…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #103 In my DTF articles I have tended to seldom discuss the scientific evidence that points to a young age of planet earth. Of the 103 DTF articles written so far only a few have taken up the subject of young earth. It is these articles that have gotten the most resistance and most criticism…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #102 The Honorable Robert Boyle (1627-1691) was born into a wealthy Irish Protestant family and educated at some of Europe's finest universities. Early in his life he rejected the commonly held doctrines of medieval scholasticism. Scholasticism is essentially an amalgamation of the teachings of Plato, Aristotle, the Bible and the early Christian writers. It has…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #101 The phrase "leap of faith" is usually applied to religious people. In this article we shall see how this phrase also clearly and stunningly applies to those scientists who believe in an atheistic materialistic worldview. Let me first explain the logic and rationale by which a scientist must process natural phenomena. The scientist must…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #100 Socrates (470-399 BC) is reputed to have said "The unexamined life is not worth living" and also "All of life is a preparation for death." This is the 100th "Defending the Faith" article. I hope these articles have encouraged you to examine your lives and prepare for the ultimate retirement -- the hereafter. I…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #99 I heard a discussion on the radio recently about a group of scholars who did a comparative study of the constitution of the United States and the constitution of the old USSR. The amazing thing that they found, in their point by point comparison, was that the constitution of the old USSR had more…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #98 My AOL screen recently featured a news article with the bold headline New Evidence of Life In Space. The article itself, however, didn't offer much of anything that could pass as evidence of alien life. Even when I clicked on a link to a more in-depth article I encountered another optimistic headline: Search for…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #97 Few people in the 21st century are familiar with the 13th century scientific accomplishments of Roger Bacon but if it wasn't for him and his followers we might still be riding in horse drawn carriages and eating by candle light. Bacon saw the foundations of science in the Bible at a time…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #96 There were at least three occasions when Jesus Christ Himself was called upon to defend the faith. (There were more than three occasions but we will examine just three.) It is interesting to consider the evidence that Jesus brought forward to defend the Christian faith on these three occasions. The first occasion is recorded…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #95 When Mount St. Helens erupted in 1980 and again in 1982 it spewed forth not only huge quantities of volcanic ash but also sediment and water. These substances were rapidly deposited in the surrounding valleys and while the sediments were still soft the water which poured through the valleys cut a miniature grand canyon.…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #94 In the late 1800s when Darwin's theory began to be promulgated the biological sciences were in their infancy. The evidence put forward by biologists and paleontologists seemed plausible. Many people, including many Bible believing Christians, began to accept evolution as a theory of how living organisms could change over time. Theologians at the time…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #94 Imagine a world without America. Hitler comes to power in the 1930s and launches his war against Poland, England and France in '39. England fights bravely but since there is no America to come to England's aid, she is overrun by the Nazis by 1942. Soviet Russia likewise has no aid from America and…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #92 A preconception is a rock solid opinion and is a grid through which a person views the world. A preconception is a cherished belief that is never tested and never doubted. A preconception is the bedrock on which a worldview is built. An elderly Chinese man once testified that when the communists took over…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #91 All of us are aware of the "superbugs" which are disease germs that have developed resistance to antibiotic drugs. Evolutionists often point to these microbes to try to make the case that superbugs are examples of evolution on a small scale. The evolutionists may even make the outrageous claim that favorable genetic mutations added…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #90 Tolerance, pluralism, relativism and respect for other people's beliefs is what postmodern university professors say will lead to world peace. I'm convinced that the professors are sincere in their beliefs and seek to do good. However, their definition of "tolerance" and their rejection of moral absolutes will bring the opposite of peace. The postmodern…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #89 The illustrious evolutionist Dr. Stephen Jay Gould (1941-2002) once lamented that virtually all debates between evolutionists and creationists were won by the creationists. In fact I understand that it is hard to arrange creation vs evolution debates because of the reluctance of scholarly evolutionists to stand behind their crumbling theory. Though evolutionist scholars prefer…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #88 Desecrators of the Bible often point to the Copernican revolution in astronomy and the "Galileo Affair" of 1616 as a way to try to discredit the Bible. This article will show the folly of this line of criticism and prove once again that there's no contradiction between the Bible and science. Copernicus (original name:…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #87 Those who study the Christian faith often find our doctrine of original sin very difficult to grasp. However, when original sin is properly understood it leads to great understanding of the human condition and great insight into solving human social problems. Original sin is the concept that all human beings are born into the world as sinners. Human…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #86 The secular media is abuzz with information about the recent find of fossils of a birdlike creature with flight feathers on both forelimbs and hindlimbs. The creature is called "Microraptor gui" and was found in China. Neo-Darwinian evolutionists boldly promote it as a transitional form between dinosaurs and birds. Evolutionists apparently believe that dinosaurs…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #85 Did you know that in the Old Testament God commanded the ancient Israelites to throw a big nationwide party every third year? Deuteronomy 14:23-26 commands Israel to take ten percent of their income (a tithe) and go to Jerusalem and buy food, wine, strong drink and "whatsoever thy soul desireth" and rejoice before the…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #84 Every person on Earth is at all times surrounded by evidence that proves the existence of God. People cannot escape the evidence because it is not only all around them but it is also within them in their consciences. Examining the evidence that proves that God exists is like following an elephant in the…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #83 We've all read stories like this in the newspapers. A man languishes in prison but he knows he's innocent. Years ago at his trial the evidence was stacked up against him. The prosecutor made what seemed like an airtight case against him. There was motive, opportunity and his torn jacket was left at the…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #82 On Tuesday December 17, 2002 on MSNBC Phil Donahue hosted a panel of scholars in the discussion of the question "Is Jesus the only way to heaven?" As usual on these types of shows the discussion got rather loud and confused. Sober, scholarly reflection was drowned out by rude interruptions and hostile audience remarks. One hyperventilating…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #81 The term "fundamentalist" is a term poisoned by controversy and demagoguery. The news media uses the term to describe Muslim extremists and terrorists. However, the term fundamentalist also has a much broader general meaning. A fundamentalist is any person of any faith who believes in the basic principles of his or her faith. A…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #80 The Old Testament contains over 300 prophecies of the birth, life, teachings, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus the Messiah. ("Messiah" is synonymous with "Christ.") One such prophecy which consists of a precise prediction of the time that Jesus would die is contained in the book of Daniel. Daniel the Jewish prophet was captured…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #79 Evolution is often promoted as a scientific theory but in actuality it is more properly described as a hypothesis of natural history. The term "theory" is usually connected to the experimental sciences such as chemistry, biology and physics. A theory must be confirmed or falsified by experimentation. Evolution has to do with alleged events that…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #78 The year is 1683 in the north of England. You see a man take a sample of reddish soil in order to take it to his laboratory to do experiments on it. You wonder why an intelligent man would do such a thing. The reason why he does experiments is because of the inductive…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #77 In this article we shall discover a key to understanding the greatest mystery of all that exists in or out of the universe. I do not say that we will solve this mystery but we shall explore it's outlines and this understanding will give us insight into a practical knowledge of the majesty of…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #76 A recent motion picture release entitled Far From Heaven gives us a glimpse of the secularist disdain for sexual restraint. The film is set in American suburbia in 1957-58. It is an apparent attack on the "hypocrisy" of the quasi-Christian American culture of the 1950s. The film is about a young married couple in which…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #75 God will not be bought off by anyone. No one can serve God and demand repayment. Romans 11: 35 says "Who has ever given to God, That God should repay him?" (NIV) Many people are offended that the Bible teaches that their good works do not buy them a stairway to heaven. Jesus died…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #74 Messianic Jews are Jewish people who believe that Jesus of Nazareth is the promised Messiah of Israel. This view is identical to the views of historic Christianity. Jewish believers formerly called themselves "Hebrew Christians" but in recent years this term was dropped in favor of the term "Messianic Jews." Messianic Jewish organizations include the…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #73 Some of the most vicious attacks against the Christian faith in recent years have come from outer space. Perhaps I should put it this way: the attacks have come from people who believe in UFOs from outer space. We are living in the space age and those who despise the Christian faith have certainly…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #72 If you are a defense attorney involved in a trial and you cross examine a hostile witness and get that witness to say something that proves the innocence of the defendant this is known as"witness of the opposition." Everyone expects a defense witness to support your case but when a prosecution witness -- an…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #71 Fred is a distinguished looking man. Tall, rail thin and balding, he has chiseled features and piercing dark eyes. He's a tenured professor of microbiology and a prolific writer in his field. Fred has a serious disposition. If this were a world of pastry, Fred would definitely be heavy cake. Glowering, brooding and usually…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #70 Christianity is a reasonable faith. It is a faith based on real historical events recorded by eyewitnesses. Faith is not an empty-headed easy believism but is based on facts and based on a rational understanding of those facts. It is rational, given the almost infinite complexity of even the smallest living things, to believe…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #69 Atonement means reconciliation with God. The Bible's teaching on atonement is therefore of utmost importance. If we are not reconciled with God we shall not enter into heaven in the afterlife. Hell is a place of separation from God's loving presence. Those who refuse to be reconciled to God implicitly choose hell. Something of…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #68 In the American Civil War one of the main foods for the Union troops was a dry, hard, biscuit type of bread. This bread was utilized because it could be carried and stored for months without spoiling. Man, in his brilliance, had removed almost all protein, fiber and vitamins from wheat flour and produced…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #67 A recent issue of Discovery magazine dealt with the origin of the Universe. The main article dealt with the very extreme beginning before matter and energy existed. The article discussed the time before there was space or even a vacuum. Virtually all astrophysicists and astronomers agree that the Universe had a beginning. The "Steady…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #66 Since a panel of judges on the West coast decided that the pledge of allegiance is unconstitutional because it contains the phrase"One nation under God" a teacher may decide to abandon the pledge and simply read the U. S. constitution to his or her class every day instead. Such a teacher would be surprised…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #65 At first glance there wasn't anything unusual about the middle aged man getting on the elevator. His rumpled business suit and bulky briefcase were ordinary but the beads of sweat on his forehead told a different story. Harry wasn't just having a bad day at the office -- he wanted to make it the…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #64 When I was in college I met an older student who had previously been in the Air Force. We got to talking about various things and he mentioned that he had a pilot's license. We became friends and on several occasions went to local airports to rent a plane and fly over campus and…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #63 Atheistic materialism does little for the mind and nothing for the soul. The Soviet Union was based on atheistic materialism and collapsed because it had nothing for the human spirit. Materialistic evolution is a dying faith. Followers of the evolutionary paradigm have no hope for the afterlife. The scientific foundations of materialistic evolution are…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #62 Ideas have consequences. Atheistic, materialistic, Darwinian evolution is the taproot of unbelief and rejection of God. The rejection of God has led to the rejection of morals in western civilization. Nowhere is this more clearly seen than in the life and teachings of Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900). Nietzsche was born in Rocken, Saxony in…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #61 We're in for another installment of the skull charade. An ancient apelike skull was recently found in Africa. It is being pushed as a "missing link." This find, called "Sahelanthropus tchadenses," was discovered in Chad in west central Africa. It has mostly chimplike features. The article in the 7/22/02 issue of Time magazine presents very…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #60 The Bible contains many prophecies that are coming to pass in our days. "This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come" (2 Tim. 3:1). "Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #59 It's the summer of 2152 A.D. in Millennium City Iowa. A young man steps to the front of the Senior High Sunday school class and begins to pass out the study booklets. He speaks to the class and says "As you can see from the study booklets we will be taking a look back in…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #58 Most of us are familiar with the California based S. E. T. I. Institute. SETI is an acronym for “Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence.” It consists of scientists and engineers who monitor a wide range of radio waves and other electromagnetic phenomena from deep space. The SETI Institute searches for patterns of impulses from deep space.…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #57 TV news and newspaper headlines report many instances of Catholic priests sexually molesting boys. This is both a tragedy and a lesson for our times. Most observers do acknowledge the fact that most Roman Catholic priests are honorable men who adhere to a life of celibacy. The pedophile priest scandal has nonetheless rocked the Catholic…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #56 Some years ago I read of the well documented archaeological find of a hammer head and part of a shaft found embedded in Cretaceous sandstone near London Texas. It was found in stone not clay. The sandstone in which the hammer was found contained Lower Cretaceous fossils and would be dated by old earth evolutionists…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #55 You may not live long enough to retire but you will live long enough to die. Even if you do live long enough to enjoy a comfortable retirement, what comes after retirement? Was it Shakespeare or Tennyson who said "Each of us owes God a death" ? John Lennon's song "Imagine" comes to mind. The…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #53 The people glanced at their watches as the balding, somewhat portly minister was finishing another of his bland sermons. It was rather hot and stuffy in the old church in this upscale community in upstate New York. Reverend Bob -- that's what his people called him -- was an affable and likable man. His sermons…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #52 Radio commentator Sandy Rios of Concerned Women for America received the following rebuke from a listener who said: " I don't appreciate what you said about the gay, lesbian and fetish communities...... My parents raised me to decide for myself what is right and wrong." The listener seemed to defend homosexuality and then stated that…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #51 Imagine a man who never felt pain. He never felt the sting of disappointment or the grief of an ended relationship. He never felt a twinge of anxiety or a stressful moment or even the struggle to make a living. No pain. No physical pain, no mental pain, no emotional pain. Could such a man…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #50 Defenders of evolution have pointed to vestigial organs as evidence to support their theory. A vestige is a body part that has no useful function to an organism. The organism has supposedly evolved new organs or organ systems and the obsolete body part remains as a useless appendage. Evolutionists of an earlier day listed over…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #49 The young father tried in vain to console his twin four year old sons. The boys were upset because a veterinarian had visited their Wisconsin dairy farm and had "put down" (i.e., killed) the entire herd of dairy cows. The boys were fuming with bitterness toward the "evil man" who had killed their beloved dairy…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #48 Many prophesies in the Bible predict that the land of Israel will be restored to the Jewish people in the latter days. The latter days can be understood as the time just before the second coming of Jesus Christ. Israel's restoration comes as no surprise to anyone who's ever read the 12th, 13th and 14th…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #47 The Bible mentions the Hittites, a people not mentioned at all by ancient historians such as Herodotus or Tacitus. Critics regarded the Hittites as myth and by extension regarded the Bible as myth. Archaeologists later discovered the remains of an extensive Hittite empire in what is now Syria. They even uncovered the Hittite capital called…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #46 The tall lanky man strode down the hall at a major university in the northeastern U.S. He's a professor of microbiology and he's late for his own class. When he arrived in class he quieted the students and said "I've got a bombshell for you: Darwin's theory of evolution has no scientific support!" The class…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #45 The young minister was painfully uncomfortable standing in front of a largely secular group of college students. He dabbed the sweat from his pallid face and intoned "Are you at peace with God? Are you sure that you will enter heaven to be with God in the afterlife? Or will you go to the place…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #44 Skeptics, agnostics and even many evolutionists claim to believe in God. The agnostic might say "Oh, but I do believe in God and I believe God is all loving and accepts everybody no matter what they've done." When I hear someone say that God accepts everyone regardless of sinful state I must admit…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #43 In the late 1980s about 11% of American women kept their maiden names after marriage. Ten years later only about 2% kept their maiden names after marriage. The other 98% followed the traditional custom of adopting their husband's surname upon marriage. The feminist imperative of women retaining their maiden names has lost ground. What is…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #42 In this article we'll take a brief look at the new secular faith. This secular faith could be called the new American religion. The word "secular" means having to do with temporal rather than eternal spiritual matters (Websters). A secularist is skeptical (unbelieving) in religious matters. Secularism can also be called "philosophical naturalism" which is…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #41 An elderly man, grizzled and bent yet still maintaining an air of dignity, walked along a southern California beach. As he walked along the beach he marveled at the many intricate and varied life forms. He believed they formed by random collisions of atoms in nature. He was a Darwinian evolutionist. He was taught evolution…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #40 In a recent motion picture drama a Catholic priest spoke to a prospective seminarian and said "There are two things I'm sure about; number one: There is a God; number two: I'm not Him!" The above statement reflects the humility by which Christians approach life. It is God, not man who has ultimate authority to…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #39 In this article we'll take a brief look at liberal Protestantism. Most of the historic mainline denominations are almost thoroughly liberal in doctrine and practice. There are a few conservative congregations that are affiliated with liberal denominations. One such congregation that comes to mind is Saint Paul's Episcopal Church of Darien Connecticut. It is a…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #38 What do the secularists want? What is the secular vision for America? The questions may seem overly broad because there is no coherent secular law code or sacred book. To the secularist nothing is written in stone. There are no secular ten commandments or any commandments at all with any real authority. Let me emphasize…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #37 Just after the Nazi genocidal extermination of Jews during WW2 a man defiantly said "We've just witnessed the mass murder of six million Jews, how can you still believe in God!" Another man replied "After witnessing such mass murder how can you still believe in MAN!!!" Secular Humanism, the religion that regards man as supreme…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #36 The impossibility of Darwinian evolution becomes more and more apparent as scientific knowledge increases. In this article we will take a brief look at the mounting scientific evidence for a young age of planet earth. If Darwinian evolution took place it would have required in excess of a billion years for "simple" life to form…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #35 A major challenge to Christianity has come from the political doctrine called fascism. When fascism is mentioned one immediately thinks of Hitler's Germany, Mussolini's Italy, Franco's Spain or Peronist Argentina. Fascism, however applies much more broadly than to the few examples cited above. Ask any person to define communism and he or she immediately (and…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #34 In this article we will contrast the postmodern, modern and premodern worldviews with the Christian worldview. This will enable us to better understand and deal with the challenges currently facing Christianity. Postmodernism is the dominant worldview on American and European university campuses today. Postmodernism is the belief that truth (or ultimate meaning) is created by…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #33 Every civil government over every nation on earth is some form of theocracy ("theocracy" means "God rules"). Secular people may object to the above statement but the fact of universal theocracy is easily proven. I hasten to point out that even secularism itself is a religion. The U.S. Supreme court has recognized Secular Humanism as…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #32 It may come as a surprise to learn that biblical law is in some respects more liberal than the laws instituted by modern human governments. The God of the Bible is loving and gracious. God's laws are for our benefit and protection. First let's define the word: "liberal." "Liberal" has many shades of meaning but…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #31 In postmodern America a new form of tolerance, called "positive tolerance," has emerged. Positive tolerance is the position that maintains that all belief systems are equally valid. All beliefs should not only be tolerated but agreed with, because in this view, all beliefs are equally true. Positive tolerance is another way of saying "moral relativism."…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #30 Many of us remember the recent spate of newspaper articles with titles such as Divorce Rates Up in Evangelical Stronghold. Clever reporters analyzed the divorce rates in Oklahoma and two other "Bible belt" states and found them to be slightly higher than the national average. This finding was then correlated with the relatively large number…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #29 I was explaining the Christian faith to some men on a construction site recently. I told them that Jesus died for our sins. Jesus took the wrath of God upon Himself so that we don't have to suffer God's punishment for our sins. One of the men immediately objected and seemed almost outraged. He said…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #28 Let's take a look at two serious challenges to our faith called modernism and postmodernism. Modernism can be defined as the view that absolute truth can only be discovered by reason (rational thought). Modernists reject the traditional Christian view that absolute truth (morality) is given by God in the form of the Ten Commandments and…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #27 When young people go off to college and enter a classroom where philosophy 101 is being taught they are likely to see Christianity derided as mere myth. The atheist professor smugly says that the virgin birth was a part of pagan myths that predate Christianity. He then blasphemously asserts that early Christians "borrowed" the idea…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #26 Public Broadcasting System (PBS) televised an eight hour, seven part series called Evolution during the last week of September 2001. Since PBS is partially funded by tax dollars it has an obligation to present both sides of an issue. PBS did not adequately present the mountain of scientific evidence that contradicts the theory of evolution.…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #25 You leave the shopping mall and walk to the parking lot only to find that your car window has been smashed and your cellphone is missing. The police investigate and tell you that there is no thief. They say it wasn't a thief that broke the car window and took the cellphone but rather it…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #24 Another amazing phenomenon that confirms the divine inspiration of the Bible is the survival of the Jewish people through centuries of persecution. The Jews are God's chosen people and their survival as a distinct ethnic group that continues to hold to a form of biblical faith is nothing short of miraculous. One social scientist has…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #22 One of the unique features of the Christian faith is that it is authenticated by prophecy and fulfillment of prophecy. There are over 300 prophecies contained in the Old Testament that predicted the first coming of Jesus Christ. (The term "Christ" is from the Greek "Christos" which is equivalent to the Hebrew "Mashiach" or "Messiah.")…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #21 Darwinian evolution, wherever it has been taught, has had the effect of implicitly denying the existence of God. Whether intentional or not, this denial of God has undermined faith and promoted secularism. In this article let's examine one of the fruits of secularism, namely militant communism. Communism is nothing new. Plato wrote of an…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #6 What happens to a person during the first 15 minutes after he or she dies? A "near death experience" is when a person is clinically dead and then resuscitated by immediate medical intervention. Many of these people remember and recount what they experienced during the brief time that they were in this state of clinical…Read more
by Bill Nugent Article #5 Christianity is often accused of being authoritarian, rigid and anti-democratic. The fact is that modern western democracy in general and American democracy in particular have their roots in biblical religion and biblical philosophy. The Bible gives us the dignity of the individual because it teaches that people are created in God's image. Therefore each individual…Read more