Evolution, Totalitarianism and the Road to Serfdom
Article #391 by Bill Nugent A book was published in Britain during World War II titled “The Road to Serfdom.”...
Article #390 by Bill Nugent Scholars define the Middle Ages (Medieval Times) as roughly the period from AD 400 to AD 1...
Every 80 years or so, America is plunged into a transformational revolution. The First American revolution, 1776-1783...
In the interview, Abke claimed that Jesus was an Essene and that Jesus was influenced by eastern religious teachings. Th...
Descartes not only doubted his existence but he doubted that he was even thinking. He even doubted that he was doubting....
The most radical revolution of the 1960s was feminism. Feminism had more influence than all the other 1960s revolutions ...
The mass shootings are carried out by mentally ill people. Current treatment protocols make mental conditions worse.
In 1980 things came to a head. There was a dispute over Kenyon's teaching creationism in his classes at San Francisco St...
Article #381 by Bill Nugent Uncle Tom’s Cabin sold more copies than any other book, except the Bible, in the 1800...
Article #380 by Bill Nugent Closure of hundreds of coal-fired power plants causes real danger to our power grid a...
Article #379 by Bill Nugent There’s a lot of politics being preached from pulpits in Evangelical and charis...
Article #378 by Bill Nugent In 1890, a young man, about 18, is reading in a philosophy book. The book he’s ...