
by Bill Nugent
Article #196

Einstein’s theory of general relativity and the theory of quantum mechanics are two widely accepted and experimentally verified theories of physics. There’s only one problem. They contradict each other! General relativity deals with physics on the macro scale of massive gravitational fields warping the space-time continuum. Quantum mechanics is useful in the description of particle physics and the interactions of matter and energy on extremely small scales. General relativity describes a smooth continuum of space-time but quantum physics describes distortions of space-time in “quantum foam.” Thus these well tested theories mutually exclude one another.

General relativity is used in describing gravitational fields on large scales and so in research it seldom collides with quantum mechanics. An exception to this is black holes where gravity is so strong as to collapse a powerful gravitational field to the micro level. In the study of black holes the equations of general relativity are joined to those of quantum mechanics and give nonsensical answers.

To resolve this conflict the new and as yet experimentally untested theory called string theory has been advanced. A thumbnail sketch of this theory is that it maintains that subatomic particles such as electrons are not mere points but are oscillating strings. This assumption, by a bizarre set of steps, eliminates quantum foam. String theory also contains the unproven idea that the universe consists of nine or ten spatial dimensions in addition to the dimension of time. These extra dimensions are called the hidden dimensions.

Some scientists have unwisely taken opportunity with this developing theory to formulate a theory of cosmology that eliminates the need for God as Creator. Paul J. Steinhardt and Neil G. Turok have developed a theory that claims to show that the universe always existed and is therefore uncreated. Their complicated theory which I will not describe here does not surmount a fundamental flaw. Their theory ignores the Second Law of Thermodynamics, also called the Law of Entropy. The Law of Entropy is firmly established in physics and maintains that any isolated system must tend over time to become more disordered and randomized. Thus if the universe were infinitely old it would now be infinitely randomized and disordered and would have suffered heat death trillions of years ago.

Scientists who deny creation will occasionally attempt to second guess or ignore the Second Law but no self respecting physicist will openly deny the Second Law. When cornered they must capitulate and admit that the Second Law of Thermodynamics is operative even in extreme circumstances.

As strange as this may seem, the way unbelieving scientists avoid conflict with the Second Law is to assume that the universe is self created. In other words they believe in spontaneous generation in which something came from nothing without cause. This denial of causality was first proposed in the eighteenth century by Scottish philosopher David Hume who was one of the boldest skeptics of his time. Those scientists, including many ‘Big Bang’ theorists, who propose that the universe came out of nothing sidestep any conflict with the Second Law of Thermodynamics but fall into a much bigger hole. Spontaneous generation is absurd. For the universe to create anything it must first exist. For the universe to create itself it must exist and nonexist at the same time and then bring itself into existence. The logical contradiction is obvious and fatal to spontaneous generation.

The much more reasonable course is to believe that the universe was created by a superintelligent being outside the universe who is God. God has contacted humanity by revelation contained in the Bible, the book that He inspired. God explained how He created the universe in the first book of the Bible called Genesis. In addition to the creation account the Bible contains thousands of predictive prophecies whose fulfillments prove to rational people that God did indeed inspire the writing of the Bible.

God sent His Son to redeem humanity from sin. Jesus, the Son of God, came in fulfillment of over 300 predictive prophecies. No other religious figure or wise man, whether Confucius or Mohammed or Zoroaster or anyone else that could be named came in fulfillment of hundreds of prophecies written centuries before his birth. Jesus Christ stands alone in all history as the one vindicated by God. All nations must turn to Him to receive forgiveness.

(My source for much of the above is the article String theory and the origin of the universe — new idea, old problem from Technical Journal, The in-depth Journal of Creation (vol. 18(2) 2004.)


(C) 2016 William P. Nugent, permission granted to email or republish for Christian outreach.

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