

by Bill Nugent
Article #120

Several years ago at a Full Gospel Business Men’s fellowship meeting in Mount Kisco New York, a man walked in carrying a full body brace. He introduced himself as Ralph Anderson and I recognized the name immediately. I had heard Ralph on the radio sharing how he was instantly, miraculously healed of severe cerebral palsy at a meeting conducted by healing evangelist Kathryn Kuhlman.

Ralph was born blind (legally blind but could see blurred images) and horribly crippled by cerebral palsy.  He needed the full body brace to be able to walk and for many years he walked in a very ungainly fashion. He received healing from blindness at a Kathryn Kuhlman meeting in Sacramento California. At yet another K. Kuhlman evangelistic meeting, this time at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, he was instantly and permanently healed of cerebral palsy! He carries his body brace as a visual testimony of the severity of his former condition. He gives God the glory through Jesus Christ our Lord!

Many miracles and signs and wonders continue to be performed by Christians in our own day. These miracles are performed in the name of Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit. These amazing wonders which defy naturalistic explanation serve to prove the truthfulness of what the Bible teaches about God and His only begotten Son Jesus Christ who “bore our sins in His body on the cross” (I Peter 2:24 NASB).

Jesus worked many miracles during His ministry on earth and these proved that He indeed was and is the promised Messiah of Israel. Peter the apostle said about Christ that He was “attested to you by God by miracles and wonders and signs” (Acts 2:22 NASB). There were hundreds of eyewitnesses of the miracles performed by Jesus.

The book of Acts records many miracles in the early church performed through the disciples of Christ. Many centuries later, in our own day, miracles continue to be done in the name of Jesus Christ.

Another modern day miracle is that which occurred in the life of Anita Hill (not the Anita Hill of Clarence Thomas fame). I heard her story on a radio broadcast called Messianic Vision. Anita had several severe illnesses including kidney disease, arthritis, hypothyroidism, schizophrenia, multiple personality disorder and was allergic with multiple chemical sensitivities to the point that the only food she could eat was organic beets. She experienced a dramatic, complete healing through the ministry of Henry Wright, pastor of Pleasant Valley Church, Thomaston, Georgia, USA. Anita Hill is renewed to vibrant health and looks decades younger than her 68 years. She now serves on the pastoral staff at Pleasant Valley Church and ministers healing to others through the grace and mercy of Christ.

There are many other examples I could give — such as Marlene Werning who was instantly healed of advanced liver cancer through the ministry of gospel singer Vestal Goodman — but time will fail me. Suffice it to say that Christ’s healing power as well as His saving power is available today!


Steps to salvation:

Jesus said “Ye must be born again” (John 3:7).

  • 1) Believe that God created you and loves you and sent the Messiah (Messiah is Hebrew for Christ) to redeem you.
  • 2) Believe that Jesus Christ came in fulfillment of over 300 Bible prophecies to die for you, to take upon Himself the penalty of your sins (Isaiah 53:5-6, John 6:29, Romans 4:5, First Peter 3:18).
  • 3) Turn from sin and call on the name of Jesus to receive forgiveness of sins (Romans 10:13).
  • 4) Receive Jesus as Savior and experience the new birth (John 1:12, Acts 2:38).
  • 5) Follow Jesus Christ as Lord (John 14:21).

Prayer to receive salvation:

“Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Romans 10:13).

To receive the salvation that Jesus purchased for us at the terrible cost of His suffering and death on our behalf I invite you to pray this simple prayer:

“Dear heavenly Father, I thank you for sending Jesus, the promised Messiah, to die for my sins. I admit that I am a sinner. I repent of my sins and I ask for your forgiveness on the basis of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. I ask you to fill me with your Holy Spirit to empower me to serve you under the Lordship of Jesus Christ, Amen.”

If you prayed this prayer in the humble sincerity of your heart then you have received everlasting life, which includes power to live right in this life and entrance into heaven in the afterlife!

(C) 2016 William P. Nugent, permission granted to email or republish for Christian outreach.


  1. This morning, October 23,2016, I watched Ralph Anderson’s testimony of healing as recorded on televised Classic “Praise” Oct. 1, 1985. I wondered if you found anything verifying the truthof his testimony. Coukd you tell me city and state was he killed in that bicycle accident, as I tried to find out more, too.

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