by Bill Nugent
Article #98
My AOL screen recently featured a news article with the bold headline New Evidence of Life In Space. The article itself, however, didn’t offer much of anything that could pass as evidence of alien life. Even when I clicked on a link to a more in-depth article I encountered another optimistic headline: Search for ETs Focuses on 166 ‘promising’ signals but this article also offered only the most vague evidence.
These two news articles described how SETI (the California based Search for Extra-Terrestial Intelligence institute) had crunched billions of radio signals received from outer space and is now focusing on 166 signals that have some features that could indicate that they came from intelligent life forms.
Four pages into the second article I read that physicist Dan Werthimer, one of the leaders of the project, said he was not too optimistic that any of the signals are from an extra-terrestial life form and he puts the chance for success at less than one percent. Over the last 24 years Werthimer has examined many promising signals only to find that they were from a passing satellite or random noise.
The huge expenditure of time and money in the search for extra-terrestials most likely stems from several motives. Perhaps the principle motive in the minds of many researchers is the need to find an alternative to God. Some researchers implicitly or even explicitly admit that a single celled organism is far too complex to have formed by random collisions of atoms on the early earth. They believe that life formed on another planet and was brought to earth by aliens. Let me elaborate.
Sir Francis Crick (1916- ), Nobel Laureate, co-discoverer of DNA and pioneer in microbiology did extensive research and probability analysis on how the first life forms could have developed. His research (which has been confirmed and expanded upon by molecular biologist Harold Morowitz and others) showed that the complexity of the DNA and proteins of single-celled life is so intricate that they could not have formed by chance on earth in a trillion years.
Crick developed the theory called Directed Pan Spermia which maintains that life formed on a distant planet and was transported to earth. This theory, however, does not really explain anything but simply moves the problem of life forming by chance to another location where the same monstrous probability obstacles must be overcome!!
This far fetched theory seems to be a desperate and pathetic attempt to avoid belief in God as the intelligent designer and creator of life. The prodigious efforts of SETI stand as an tacit admission by leading members of the scientific community that life could not form on earth by chance. It is, by extension, an admission that evolution has no foundation in science since evolution can’t explain how even the simplest life forms could come about by chance. I therefore exhibit SETI and the bizarre “pan Spermia” theory as evidence given by scientists for the implicit refutation of evolution.
Furthermore let me point out in closing that even if aliens were found on another planet — unlikely as that would be — it still doesn’t contradict anything taught in the Bible. God could have created 100 alien civilizations on distant planets. Our concern is not with whether or not there are such civilizations. Our concern is to be reconciled with God through Jesus Christ who was sent by God to die for our sins!