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This free eBook gives a unique perspective on grace versus law that you’ll find very helpful. It is written primarily from the perspective of Messianic Judaism but Gentile believers can certainly apply its insights. Read it on your computer screen or print it out. Below are 15 highlight points from this eBook.
- How and when we died to the Law (II Cor 5:14 & Rom 7:4)
- The true implications of the fact that we died to the Law and are released from the Law (Rom 7:6)
- Why lawlessness or antinomianism are not options for the Messianic Jew
- What it really means to serve in newness of the Spirit and not in oldness of the letter (Rom. 7:6)
- What it means to walk in the Spirit
- In depth biblical understanding of commitment, consecration and laying down the self-life
- Proper understanding of covenants and covenant law (Law of Moses was given in connection with a covenant)
- How to keep the Law of Moses not literally but in its fulfillment reality in Messiah
- Why literal observance of the Law of Moses (Torah) is permitted, even encouraged, but not mandatory
- New Testament fulfillment of Sabbath, kosher laws and tithing is shown
- How we are to obey New Testament law (We are saved by grace yet the New Testament is full of commands!)
- Thorough discussion of how and when we must “turn the other cheek” (i.e. non-resistance to evil commanded in Matt 5:39)
- Thorough discussion of how and when we must sell our cloak and buy a sword (Luke 22:36) (i.e. when resistance to evil is permitted)
- Analysis of an example taken from the book of Acts where an Apostle turns the other cheek and later that same apostle actively resists evil.
- Some eschatological issues pertaining to the millennial reign of Messiah are answered
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(C) 2016 William P. Nugent, permission granted to email or republish for Christian outreach.