The Teaching Ministry of Bill Nugent

Christian Apologetics, The Manifestation of the Sons of God and Messianic Judaism

Jean-Paul Sartre: the Most Influential Philosopher of the Twentieth Century

article #351 by Bill Nugent   Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980) is considered by many to be the single most persuasive ...


The Ten Revolutions of the 1960s and Their Meaning for Today

Article #349 by Bill Nugent   Where were you in 1968? That was a frequent question posed in the years following the...


Jurassic Park in Reverse: Modern Mammal and Bird Fossils in Dinosaur Layers

Article #347 by Bill Nugent   I once debated a man over the internet who said “Show me a Cambrian rabbit and...


Something Bigger than All-Out Nuclear War is About to Strike Planet Earth

Teaching Article #23 by Bill Nugent My father, Paul Clarkin Nugent (1921-1997), was drafted into the armed forces of the...


The Black Book of Communism Shows Number of People Killed By Communists

Article #344 by Bill Nugent   After the collapse of communism in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe in the early 1...


Viruses, Coronaviruses and How They Disprove Evolution

Article #343 by Bill Nugent  3/31/20   Do you know it’s impossible to kill a virus? That’s because vir...


This Proves that Jesus Christ is the Only Way to Heaven

Article #337 by Bill Nugent   In an English literature classroom in a college in the eastern U.S. in the late 1950s...


The “Cambrian Explosion” Shows Wide Gaps in Fossil Record

  The Cambrian Explosion is the term used to describe the sudden appearance of an extremely large number of diverse...


Francis Bacon, Isaac Newton and the Biblical Roots of Modern Science

Article #335 by Bill Nugent   The fundamental breakthroughs in chemistry and physics occurred in the seventeenth ce...


Thomas Hooker (1586-1647) and the Biblical Roots of American Freedom

Article #334 by Bill Nugent   There’s a man who lived in early colonial America who’s unknown to most o...


Comparison of Protestant and Roman Catholic Salvation

Article #332 by Bill Nugent   The Protestant Reformation of the sixteenth century was about salvation. The controve...


The Cross, Self-Denial and the Manifestation of the Sons of God

Bill’s book: “The Cross, Self-Denial and the Manifestation of the Sons of God.” is now on Kindle! Bel...


Haldane’s Dilemma in Population Genetics Proves Impossibility of Ape to Human Evolution

Article # 328 by Bill Nugent This is essentially a revision of an article about Haldane’s Dilemma which I sent out...